Chapter 25

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Michael's Pov (Hmm interesting).

After everything that's happen I'm just happy to be with my best mate and my best friend. I'm still upset about Lily. I really thought she was the one. At first it was a set up and we didn't really like each other but after that I ended knowing her more and falling harder. Everything made me like her more but I guess the feeling wasn't muteral. I knew I had to stop crying because I know it hurts my best friend to see me cry. I'm really happy we became friends. And that's all I want, I know Luke likes her and she likes luke . Plus they are so cute together. I think of her as my little sister. Since I was an only child it was nice to think of someone as my sibling. I than thought back to Lukes plan. I know he made a mistake but his plan was real sweet and I can't wait to activate plan Date Katie to start. Right now I'm in between the two idiots they were on there phones. Katie cuddling on my left side and Luke on my right with his head on my shoulder. I looked at Katie and she was looking at Luke and I. "Muke!!" She yelled. What the fuck?. "What Katie" Luke said slightly laughing. "Muke you know Luke and Michael combined. I was looking at some of your fans pages and I notice that they have ship names for you. Like Cake,Muke, Mashton, Lashton, Cashton and you know things like that. And I thought Muke really describes you guys. Cause you know you guys are close and stuff." She said as we both busted out laughing. "I'm serious. I ship it. And if not I ship Cake. Omg yes cake." She said smiling. "I ship lukie." I said smiling. "You ship Luke with himself. Oh I know what you mean." Katie said wiggling her eyebrows than bursted out laughing. It took me a minute but that I started laughing. After 5 minutes I finally calmed down. "No I meant you and Luke. Like luk for Luke and ie for the end of Katie." I said giving Luke a wink as Katie nudge me. "You can't mess up my ships." She said pouting a little. I looked a Luke and he was smiling at her. It's so obvious they like each other I just hope Luke's plan works. "Fine. So Katie ready for touring?" I ask as she through her legs on my lap. "Honestly yes and no. But I'm always up for new things. Plus the traveling sounds great. Meeting new people and exploring. And plus if you go international you better understand some cultures. Plus I just love singing and just being able to go on stage and share my love for music with everyone else. I know at first it won't be easy but I want people to have a certain feeling when they hear some of my songs. Plus I'm trying to get a shot glass from every state." She said happily. "That's good but if you want shot glasses you have to do at least one shot in each state we go to." I laughed smiling. "Yas. Bring on the alcohol" she laughed. There was a little silence but it was very comfortable. "So Katie what songs do you plan on doing?" Luke asked. We looked at Katie as she thought. "Hmm some upbeat songs and ill play a few of your old songs. Plus some older music that people don't really play attention to but also songs that go along with my life. And than I have to write a song which is going to be a lot of work. But it's a challenge I'm willing to take." She says. Hmm I just notice she always knows what to say no matter what. "Katie how come you always know what to say," I ask. "Well when you've been hurt so much and go through so many thing you realize words just come easier" she said as I frowned a lil. Katie has gone through so much bullshit in her life and I just want life to go good for her for now on.

Katie's POV
I'm so happy that I'm here with my best friend and my penguin. It's nice to be away from everyone else and just relax. Right now we're watching FRIENDS and let me just saw great ass show. But then I began to think about touring with them. "Guys what's your favorite thing about touring?" I asked. "Well being able to perform and have our fun support is for something we love to do" Luke said as he smiled. "Well I'm very excited to perform with you guys and I'm very thankful for you guys to give me this opportunity" I said with a little smile. "Of course Katie, we promise to take care of you" Mikey said. "Well you better" I laughed as they smiled. "So when do you guys plan on going back to Australia?" I asked kinda sad because I didn't want them to leave. " I'm not quite sure yet, maybe in a week or two." Like shrugged. "And how long will you guys be gone?" I frown. "Most likely 2 weeks, spend some time with the family do some small shows and just get to relax at home" Mikey said. "Well have fun ok and try not to forget me either." I smile. "We can never forget you Katie, plus it won't even feel like we are gone for that long. You have the boys,girls and Abby you'll be fine" Mikey said giving me a hug a reassurance. "I know just don't stay down there forever or I might actually start to miss you guys." I chuckle.

"We won't, plus we still have the tour together then you'll be with us all the time. So be happy my best friend." Mikey smiles. "Ok when y'all go I better get text messages from you and Luke keeping me inform just Incase anything happens, you need a checklist for what to bring. By the time y'all come back I'll have my song list ready and a checklist for what we need for tour and alerts on when we need to go where and leave. I'll organize everything so enjoy Australia." I say getting up starting to look for pen and paper. "Katie that isn't really necessary. We have people for that and I don't want you stressing to much." Luke says and he grabs one of my hands. The moment he did spark flew. No I don't wanna feel like this. He was making out with another girl. No matter what he says I need time to think. I can't be worrying about a boy especially with tour coming up. "I'm fine. I've been doing stuff like this forever. It's more efficient with someone so personal helping." I say taking my hand away from his, as he frowns. Don't pay mind you're doing this for the better good. "Are you sure Katie?" Mikey asks. "Positive. I appreciate you looking out for me and all but I got this. I just don't want anything to fall apart before your trip or tour." I mention sitting back next to my best friend to scared to get close to Luke and my feeling let over. "Can I take a nap Mikey and we can talk about this when I wake up?" I ask as I get comfortable. "Of course go to sleep Luke and I will just start the checklist for you." He says. "Thanks Mikey you're the best." I quietly say following into a slumber.

Luke's pov

Why doesn't Katie want to cuddle with me anymore. I thought I was her penguin. Ugh it was so stupid for me to kiss that girl and expect Katie to be fine. I know she said well talk about it but I'm afraid where the conversation might lead. I can't just be friends with her.. I can't let her go I want her and only her. "Hey man your phone is ringing" Michael said. Dang I was so last in thought I didn't even realize. "Hello" I answer. "Luke you kissing the other girl is everywhere. I don't know how the papz found us but they did. This is bad. We can't have you looking like a cheater. I made a story up saying you and Katie agreed to stay friends and you had met this new girl. But I need you to fake date her now. You're going to take her with you to Australia. No discussion. And do not let Katie know right now. It's just too much happening in her life. But you will not text her call her or nothing til the tour starts. Do you understand Luke." Paul had said. "But Paul." I started. "No but you made this mess and I'm trynna fix it. You need to do this." He said sternly. "Okay" I sigh hanging up the phone. Wtf at I going to do.

I realize I never update and I'm so sorry. My life has changed a lot where I have no time to really enjoy the little hobbies I have. But I'm going to try and change that. I know my readers might be gone but I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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