Chapter 15

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    Katie's Pov

    "Well that is from our band. And we are famous and we are called 5 Seconds of Summer." Michael said looking to see if I had an emotions. But I've been so good at hiding my feelings that all he saw was my now dark eyes. I didn't know what to think. First my adopted father and his best friends are famous now my best friend is famous. But I should be happy he told me instead of me finding out from someone else. But I will keep it a secret from Luke and wait to see if he will tell me or if he will lie to my face. "That's great Mikey. But don't tell Luke I know. I want to see if he will lie to my face or not." I said as we started making the meat. "O okay. I'm glad you understand." "Of course why wouldn't I. Your my best friend and you know stuff the other guys don't know. I trust you and that's something I just don't give out." I said as he smiled. "I'm happy that you trust me and that I can be your best friend. Your one of mine too. Now on to some serious business. Who do you like" he said as I laughed. "Seriously. Umm Jake is an okay guy. But besides that no one. Like I told you I don't believe in love." "Well what about you and Luke. You guys seem very and I mean very close""We are just friends""yea friends with benefits" he said as I stared at him with wide eyes."No! We definitely aren't that. Like really Mikey" "O really. Then care to explain why you are always on his lap and cuddling. And don't lie to me I know you felt something when you guys kissed" "So what if we cuddle he wants to and I say yes because that's what friends do. And yes I felt something when we kiss but it was my first kiss. The same thing happen when a guy kissed my cheek. I felt something at first and when he did it again nothing." "Katie you might deny this now but soon when it's too late your going to realize that he was the one"

     I had tears in my eyes cause I was hurt and confused. "Katie are you alright" Michael said hugging me. I shook my head in his chest. "What if Luke is the one but I mess up because he doesn't like me. And What if I push him away because I don't believe in Love. Cause it's not there. I never had anyone to love me as a friend, a daughter or a girlfriend. I'm scared of getting hurt Michael." I said as cried into his chest. "Shh. Don't cry. We love you, you might not have been here that long but we love so much. Okay" he said as I nodded my head. "Michael why do you think my parents left me" I asked whipping my tears." Because they're stupid. They left behind an amazing daughter and they will never be able to see what an amazing girl you have became."he said as I smiled brightly at him. We continue to cook and talk about crazy stupid things. It was when after we need the food in the oven everyone came in. "Where have  you guys been" Zayn asked as we all took a seat. "Well we got bored and decided to make dinner and get to know each other." I said looking at the timer. There was only 30 minutes left for the lasagna. "O okay what's for dinner." Niall asked drooling. "Lasagna with garlic bread." Michael said. "Okay so Mikey want to watch a movie in our room" Lily asked. They are so cute together. "Sure" he said  as he smiled at his girlfriend heading up stairs.


     "So where's Abby Harry" I said frowning. "Umm" he started. "I'm right here Katie I was just getting ready" she said as she jumped on my lap. "Good. So you ready for dinner" I said giving her a smile and Harry a death glare. "Yep. I never had lasagna before." She smiled. I smiled back hugging her. She was just so adorable. "Umm Katie so the orphanage gave me your birth certificate and then later on I'll get your file but are willing to find out who your real parents are." Louis said with a half smile. "Hell no" I said with anger in my eyes. "Why not they are your parents" he said as I put Abby down and she ran to Harry. "No they are not my parents. They are just to people who have birth to me and gave me up after a year." I said as everyone looked at me surprised. "Katie" Luke said as he touched my arm. "Don't fucking touch me. Just leave me alone for a while all of you. Harry the food should be ready in 20 minutes. Take it out when your ready." I said heading upstairs with tears in my eyes. I make it to the room and threw the closet thing next to me which was a lamp. I screamed in frustration and open the closet door. Grabbing my penny board, money and my phone. I won't be gone long but I need to set my mind off things. I went out the window and climbed down. I didn't know why I'm so upset but I just hate that my parents abandoned me.'I never spoke about my parents cause there wasn't much to say. They left me and didn't look back. So Fuck them.' I was riding for about thirty minutes when it started pouring. I ran in this café a minute away.

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