Chapter 1

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anxiety; mental uneasiness.


I can't help but feel tired as my legs gave out from under me. I came down to a slow pace then transferred into a complete stop.

Fuck i've never ran that fast before

As I'm trying to find my breath and balance out my heart rate. I bend over, hands on knees. I glance at my FitBit


My eyebrows furrow as I look around observing where I stopped at, my eyes land on a ice cream shop. I debate on continuing my run or having a little snack.

I roll my eyes in defat as I toss my arms from my side a little bit above my hip.

"Fuck it"

My legs still tired but my mind set on a goal, obviously my mind won, and I reached the ice cream shop in 2 minutes.

As I opened the doors I realized it was fairly empty, I felt excited because all of the ice cream shops are usually packed.

All the people in there didn't stand out.

Except for one

His dark curly hair pushed to the side by his hands as he stared intensely at the guy in front of him with his dark green eyes, his lips were plump and pink, his tongue licked his bottom lip as his eyes parted from the guy to scan across the room.

My eyes traveled lower than his face as I caught a glimpse of his tattoos that traveled all the way from his neck to his hands, my eyes widened with shock as I realized how many tattoos he actually had.

His shirt was half unbuttoned so I could see the upper part of his chest.

He was hot as fuck

Everything about him screamed power, his eyes caught mine, and I turned my head in embarrassment, I could feel my cheeks rise with heat.

I continued to walk up to the cash register, as I tried my best not to look back.

"Welcome to Lucky Rainbows, how can I make your magical dreams come true!"

The man behind the counter sounded very excited but his face told a different story.

I tried so hard not to cringe from the greeting that screamed Peppy.

I turned my focus onto the menu behind the man, I scanned over all the options until my eyes landed on my favorite flavor.

"Can I get a Cake batter with sprinkles please and, can you put it in a cup?"

He rolled his eyes and typed it into the panel.


"Can I get you anything else?" he asked in a disrespectful tone, his gaze switched from my eyes to my cleavage.

I forgot that I was in my workout clothes, I had on a sports bra that was a size small so it pushed my tits together, creating perfect cleavage. My shorts just cover the bottom of my ass, while my thighs were bare to the eyes of everyone.

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