Chapter 2

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filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.
"fanatical revolutionaries


"¿Qué coño acaba de pasar, acaba de dispararle a alguien, por mi culpa?" every time I was nervous, scared, or just overwhelmed, I speak Spanish.
[What the hell just happened, did he just shoot someone, because of me?]

I was raised in a Spanish household, my Mom and my Dad are very strict about me speaking Spanish, they say "It helps me stay intact with my roots."

Whatever the fuck that meant

"I need to call the cops." I reach for my back pocket with the intention of finding my phone.

"Joder!" I left my phone in Giovanni's car, as i reach for the door handle to leave to go get my phone, a knock from the other side of the door occurs.

I jump at the sudden knock, afraid of opening it due to the adrenaline rushing through my body. I make a quick and stupid decision.

I fling the door open, and jump back incase the person behind the door has a weapon.

"Are you ok, principessa?" Giovanni chuckles at my reaction, which i think was kinda sensible.

"No, i'm not I need my phone, and my name is Alejandra, not whatever the fuck you just called me." As that was said he pulls my phone out of his pocket and extends his arm towards me.

"Gracias." I said blatantly as i reach for my phone, I grab it quickly to prevent him from snatching it back out of my grasp.

"Your welcome, Alejandra." The way my name rolled off of his tongue with his Italian accent could make me drop to my knees instantly.

Immediately shut the door with the door without saying another word i push up against the door just incase it was tried to be pushed open.

As soon as lock it a let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding in.

I use my body to balance on my feet again, as i found my balance I walk towards my bathroom discarding my clothes on the way, not caring wear they land.

As i reach my shower i turn it on and feel the water hit back, i felt all of the tension in my body relax.


My alarm blares as i jolt off of my pillow using my palms as support behind

Last night was like a fever dream, So much shit happened and I dont even know if i wanna get up to go to work but my shift start's in 2 hours and i already missed 3 days due to my little brother.

I kick my feet off of the edge of the bed as my feet touch the hard, cold, wood floor.

I separate my arms to make a v, then arch my back, i groan at the best morning stretch ever.

Suddenly my phone rings, i jumped from the sudden noise in the quiet atmosphere.

I look at the caller id, Amara's name showed up and i picked up the phone placing it towards my ear.

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