Chapter 10

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A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen


Loud unbearable music blared from the club speakers. Peoples drunken laughs filled the animated tight space.

Kaylee had strayed away with a random man she had been flirting with for the entirety of the night, leaving me completely alone in the midst of the deafening crowd.

My eyes roamed through the group, scanning for a familiar face.

As the consciousness of the situation had set it, fear took over almost immediately. My face drained completely of emotion. I tried my best to retreat towards a corner but the moving bodies basically shoved me back and forth like a small doll.

"Excuse me." I yelled over the blaring music, as I proceeded my adventure towards a secluded corner.

I needed to call someone. Anyone.

I was completely stranded. My parents were sleeping and Kaylee was nowhere to be found. "Damn it." I spoke under my breath as I finally found a nook in the back of the club. My back pressed against the cold wall, slightly sending a shiver down my spine.

I immediately reached for my phone.

The dimly lit room became a distant memory as I felt cold palms placed on my shoulder roughly. I shot my head up, examining the figure in front of me. My vision a little blurred from the alcohol I had consumed throughout the night.

A familiar smile greeted me as she started laughing manically.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" My voice louder than the music as I roughly pushed her hands off of me before returning my attention towards my phone in my right hand.

"What are you doing?" Kaylee completely dismissed my question that still lingered in the air. Her gaze trailed from my face to my phone.

Before I could respond a tall man approached behind Kaylee. He snaked his arms around her waist, tightly as he placed his lips on her cheek while she giggled like a little girl.

"Come on Kaylee. We're leaving." My tone stern, not leaving any room for a dispute. Her eyes scanned across my figure, a small smirk played on her lips.

She was obviously drunk.

She rolled her eyes as she became aware of the fact that I was serious. "Fine. Whatever." She whispered something into the man ear, his face became nonchalant as she smiled softly.

I was embarrassed for her, and apparently it was obvious, because when she saw my face she gave me a mean glare, telling me to stop.

A smile found its way onto my face once more, before my gaze reverted back to my dimly lit phone.

"Don't even try to get a Uber or Lyft... all the apps are shut down." The man finally spoke his voice boomed louder than the blaring music. His face shifted from one of mystery to a spine-chilling smirk. "But...uh, i'll take you guys home."

My body shifted as my hand reached out and slightly clasped Kaylee's.

I didn't trust him at all.

"No, I have someone who can take us home." I slightly jerked Kaylee a little closer to me as i checked to see if he was right.

He was.

All of the apps were shut down. Back to square one.

I really was gonna fucking regret this but my lack of conscious decision making was making this decision easier.

I closed out of all of the open apps except contacts. I scrolled through all of my contacts until i found my desired person.

"Who's coming to pick you up? Your boyfriend?" I could feel the man's presence become desperate as he spoke. He sounded like he desperately needed to take us home.


He immediately chuckled under his breath as he began looking around the club worryingly. My body that was once calm and relaxed quickly became a distant memory as my limbs tensed at his throaty chuckle.

I pressed Giovanni's contact hurriedly before placing the speaker against my ear.

My grip on Kaylee's hand not only grew tighter but more frantic as the line continued ringing.*


An unintentional smile crept onto my lips as a deep Italian accent traveled through my ear. He sounded tired as if he was just awoken. "Please come pick me up. 2743 Crescent St."

My tone desperate as my gaze flickered from the floor to the man's face. A placid expression played on his face as he stared intently into my eyes.

I heard a few things shifting around before hearing his voice once again.

"On my way, tesoro."

He wasted no time because a few seconds later i heard a sports car engine being revved up.

The man's face continued to scan across the area for any wandering eyes. He then slightly smiled at me a sinister smile to say the least.

I became so uncomfortable i forcibly yanked Kaylee closer to me.

I then did something i knew i would regret in the morning when i was sober.

"Amor, can you hurry up?"

I prayed he would hear the urgency that lingered within my words as a made sure to keep a close eye on the man that continued to harass us.

"I'm almost there. Why don't you wait outside, hm?" His words seemed like he understood the danger i could possibly be in.

I immediately gripped Kaylee's hand tighter before as i tried to push past the lanky man who was now trapping me and Kaylee in a secluded corner.

"Move." Kaylee's voice finally emerged from the silence as she drunkenly tried to push him out of
the way. "I swear to god if you don't move i promise you i will fucking hurt you."

Her voice was threatening but because of her current state her words came out lazily.

Even though she was drunk she still looked absolutely terrifying. The man instantly moved allowing me and her to walk through the tight space from his body to the wall.

Just as i made it outside i felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Immediate relief washed over me. I positioned the speaker of my phone over my ear once more before speaking once again.

"Sorry for calling you amor... i was stressed."  I slightly let go of Kaylees hand whose attention was now on her phone. I heard a deep chuckle echo from the phone as I started to slightly shiver due to the temperature at this time of night.

"Don't worry about it tesoro. I'll be there in 15 minutes."


i'm so sorry for the delay but i'm in school right now so you have to bare with me.

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