Chapter 8

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persistent fear of being watched or stared at.


The morning greeted my eyes as soon as I opened them.

I hop out of bed and make my way to my restroom for my morning routine; brush my teeth, do my hair, take a shower.

The same thing every morning, today I chose to leave my hair down because it was a hot day and I liked to have my hair down on hot days.

I smiled at the realization of not being on my period, as soon as I was about to take a seat on the couch.

A knock on the door greeted my ears, but it sounded more like frantic knocking. I rushed towards the door bringing my face to the peephole.

"Amara?" I rolled my eyes at the fact that she freaked me out for no reason, I grabbed the handle opening it as soon as there was room for her to come inside she pushed right past me.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I slammed the door due to the stress and irritation she was giving me. She looked worried but not worried for herself, worried for me.

I grab her by the palm of her hands and lead her to my couch, "Sit, I'll get you some water." She does as I say as I make my way to my kitchen, I make her a glass of water.

She was really freaking me out, she's never been this worried before.

As I sit beside her handing her the glass of water, I watch as she takes a few sips before placing it on my coffee table. "Now, can you tell me what's wrong?" She refuses to look me in the eyes she looks everywhere except my eyes.

"Um, Matteo's boss, is the guy who's been acosandote." She finally looks me in the eyes, a smile forms on my lips as she gives me a look of confusion.

[translation: stalking you.]

"Why are you smiling? That means that a mafia boss is stalking you. ¡Él podría matarte!" She crossed her arms still looking around my apartment in frustration. "I know, he told me." She froze what she was doing, and her eyes widened with the realization.

[translation: He could kill you!]

"Did he-" her voice went up 2 octaves while her mouth created a o shape. I nodded to her response she grabbed my hands and positioned her body towards me with her legs crossed.

"But, we didn't do anything. All he did was cook me food and we talked and that's when he told me." Her face lit up with joy as she heard those words, "Girl you're dating a mafia boss!" She squealed but I wasn't dating him, and I never planned to. I just wanted a friend; I needed a friend.

"No, I'm not dating him somos amigos,I guess." Hear face immediately changed from excitement to disappointment. "Why? He's cute and he's got lots of money." She rubbed the pads of her fingers together to resemble money falling out of her hand.

I mentally face palm myself at how cringe she was, but I love her, "Ok ok fine, but at least use it to your advantage." She pointed at me before she made her to my kitchen to get her some food.

"I make my own money; I don't need his asesinar dinero." Before I finished that sentence, she was standing in front of me with a bag of pretzels.

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