Chapter 12

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disconsolate (adj)

without consolation or comfort; unhappy.


When we arrived in her parents driveway I realized she wasn't raised with lots of money like I was.

The house was a small old timey home with 2 stories and probably an attic.

"Thanks for driving me." Her voice was the sound of thousand angels singing a melody. Her eyes were like diamonds that even robbers wouldn't dare steal. 

I drew myself out of my thoughts. She couldn't be my weakness, like she said I was just a friend. But it felt like we were becoming more than that

"Mhm, Anytime principessa." I analyze her outfit, its one of the most revealing outfits I have ever seen. I turn my gaze back to hers as she notices my slight judgment.

Her head quickly whips behind her as a sound of yelling can be heard from a woman's voice. I could only understand a few words as the words she spoke were in spanish.

She rolls her eyes, and follows the woman, who i can only assume is her mom, inside while arguing with each-other in spanish.

My attention turns back to the girl passed out in my backseat. She was wearing a dress that left little to the imagination. I rolled my eyes as the concept of dressing like a slut was now normalized. Women show off their bodies but are upset when they are used for their bodies.

I heard a slight sound escape the women's lips as she stirred herself awake. Her eyes met mine and she slightly smiled.

"Well, well well." She tried her hardest to sound seductive and sultry. She sat up her long black curly hair sitting perfectly on her shoulders.

"Drea went inside, she's coming back to get you in a little bit." I turned my eyes towards the door of her house it was open but no one on was in view.

"So it's just the two of us." She slightly gets closer to my seat. I could see her face in the rear view mirror. She looked at me with lust. 

I chuckled a little bit. It's not that I've never been in this situation, I was just in this situation with the wrong person. I could hear her open her mouth to say something else but just before she could Alejandra came outside her shoes off and her hair in a messy bun. 

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, I did not want to be the one to tell this girl I do not want to sleep with her.

"She ruined the fun." She blurted out seconds before Alejandra opened the backseat car door. 

"Come on, let's go." Alejandra spoke in a soft but authoritative voice. She almost sounded like a mom. 

She grabbed the girl by the arm and led her out of the car and towards the porch before sitting her down and making her way back to my car.

She gave me a soft smile before speaking again. "Thank you so much, you are a life saver. Literally."

I gave her a soft smirk and scanning her up and down once more, The things I would do to this women. "Don't thank me principessa. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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