Chapter 4

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a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.


"Shhh, bellissima." Giovanni tried to calm me down. As he shut the door, that was left open.

"¿Qué coño te pasa, rompes la casa, acecha, perra?!" I try to yell but with his grip on my mouth it only came out as a mumble.
[What the hell is wrong with you, you house breaking, stalker, bitch]

"Please be quiet, Alejandra." His grip on my mouth loosened as his eyebrows furrowed.

I froze in fear as I felt something cold and metal poking my lower hip, I realized it was a gun, and squeezed my eyes shut to pray.

I don't wanna die, please don't let me die.

I could feel my eyes water with salty tears as I tried my best to stay quiet.

"I'm gonna let go, but I need you to stay quiet, principessa." As his grip on my mouth was released, I pushed myself away from him, as I turn around to face him a cold expression forms on my face.

"What in Dioses name is wrong with you?" I could feel tears run down my face as I back away from him, I only stop until I feel my marble counter hit my lower back.

"I'm sorry, amore, I didn't mean to scare you." A sincere expression forms on his face, he puts his hands up to show he means no harm.

" Puta, you broke into my house and expect me to be excited?" I look at the gun in his holster, to confirm my suspicions, the way he was walking towards me didn't make me feel any better. "What do you want from me?" I looked at him in his eyes trying my best to not fumble over my words.

"I just wanted to talk, principessa." He lets his hands fall to his side. Without even thinking, I grab the biggest kitchen knife and aim the tip at him.

"Get the fuck out of my house." I spoke with dominance and a stern tone to let him know that I was serious.

As he places his eyes on the knife, he starts to back away slowly before, tripping on his own two feet.

"Merda!" He cursed, before trying to get back up with the palm of his hand on my cold wood floor.

I watched as he left without saying another word. I instantly ran to the door locking it behind him, hoping he doesn't try to push through the door. As soon as I heard the click I fell to my knees before dropping the knife beside me.

"What the fuck is going on?" I could feel tears reach my cheeks as I held my stomach.

The only thing that could be heard was the buzzing of the furnace and my crying.

I took the knife placing it in my palm before getting up using my knees as support.

As I made my way to the kitchen before I heard my phone ring. I realized it was still outside because when I saw Giovanni I dropped everything, including my purse which had my phone in it.

"Fuck!" I grabbed my forehead in irritation as I push my fingers through my curls.

I slowly walk towards the door quietly to listen for any movement on the other side. Once I reached the door I heard nothing, assuming it was all clear I swung the door open and hurriedly grabbed my stuff, before slamming the door shut, locking it once again.

I jump up to feet, running towards my bedroom, tears streaming down my face. As I shut the door, I almost choke on my cries as I reach for the inside of my purse, rummaging for my phone.

As I pulled out my phone l looked at now lit screen.

Missed Call from 631-738-7725? Who the fuck is that

I dial the number placing the phone towards my ear. "Hi, tesoro." The sound of an Italian accent greeted me, he almost sounded out of breath.

"Who is this?" I was trying not to jump to conclusions but from the nicknames to the accent it was hard not to. "I think you know, tesoro." My eyes widened as I heard that sentence.

"How did you get my number?" A hint of anger flashed through my eyes as I pushed myself off of my bed.

"You shouldn't leave your belongings out like that, bella." The audacity of this man, he goes through my belongings and tells me to not leave them out. I try take a breath relaxing my muscles before checking the door handle to make sure it was locked.

"Oh ok, so your a stalker, house invader and a phone stalker." I nod my head in agreement as I walk towards my kitchen.

I could hear him chuckle at my snarky comment, "I thought you might want my number in case you change your mind about talking." He seemed genuine, but the amount of laws he broke didn't back up his actions.

"Hm, that's funny because I distinctly remember yelling at you to 'Get the fuck out'." I used my free hands to use air quotes at the last part.

As I finish my sentence I grab a glass of water, hanging up the phone without saying another word.

"Fucking creepy ass, puta." I finish my glass of water before walking towards my bathroom.

Shutting the door behind me I discard of every piece of cloth off my body. I turn the handle to the shower, water exited through the holes of the shower head.

I step in the shower letting my body adjust to the heat of the water before grabbing my loofah and putting strawberry shortcake body soap on top.

I drag the loofah over my body before adding more soap to it.

I shut my eyes as I let the water run down my perky breasts and down my thighs and finally reaching the ground. I run my hand over my neck trying to remove the tension of this horrible day.

As I shut off the shower, the water from the shower head, was held back from exiting once more.

I wrap the towel around my body before, grabbing my toothbrush and putting a dash of toothpaste at the top, I brush my teeth, before exiting the bathroom and into my closet. I pick out a oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts.

I collapse onto my bed at let out a strangled sigh, turning over to my side, I reach for my phone realizing I left it on my kitchen counter.

Leaving my room, to get my phone I shut all the lights off before retreating back to my room.

I jumped to the sound of pounding on my apartment door

I'm so sorry y'all, a lots going on.

It's gonna get better for Alejandra, I promise.


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