Chapter 7

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power (noun)

: legal or official authority, capacity, or right


I look at my phone that has 15 notifications from Matteo. I seethed at the thought of having to leave Alejandra. I press on Matteo's name then clicked the call button, "Che cazzo è il problema!" My voice boomed throughout the apartment halls as I made my way to my car.

[translation:What the fuck is the problem!]

I hear screams and pleading in the background, but quickly following behind was a gunshot. Then complete silence, "In qualche modo hanno trovato il nostro magazzino, abbiamo catturato uno degli uomini. Ci ha detto chi è il suo capo ed è Arman Kuznetsov." The mention of his name made me clinch my fists, until they turn white.

[translation: Somehow they found our warehouse, we caught one of the men. He told us who his boss is and it is Arman Kuznetsov.]

"Sto arrivando, lo scopriremo quando arrivo lì." With that being said I hung up the phone and made my way to the mansion.

[translation: I'm on the way we'll figure it out when I get there.]


As I pull up to the overly dramatic mansion, I could see my mother waiting for me at the front of the house.

The sight of my face, made her face light up with joy. I rarely see her so when I do she basically cries with joy. A frown forms on my face as I realize my fathers not here, once again.

"Awww, il mio bambino." As soon as I shut the door to my car my mom was already running towards me with the biggest smile on her face.

[translation:my baby boy.]

My face was grabbed with two small hands and brought down to her size as she plastered kisses from my forehead to my chin. I try my hardest to release from her grip, but no matter how hard I tried she was and will always be stronger than me.

"mamma dov'è papà?" She releases my face the mention of his name obviously changed her demeanor. She clasps her hands together and tilts her head towards the door, suggesting we should go inside.

[translation: mom where's dad?]

As I follow my mother into the wide doors leading to inside of my house. She turned around and I could finally get a good view of her face. Her dark green eyes glistened in the light whilst her long, curly, brown hair was pushed to the side. Even though she was almost 50 she was still perfect and looked 20.

"He doesn't want to see you, amore." My mom grabbed my hands and used the pad of her index finger and thumbs on both hands, to rub my knuckles.

I pull away from her hold, leaving her hands empty only for them to avert back to their original position.

I push past her to the meeting room, as I was walking down the long hallway a buzz from my phone occurred, notifying me that I got a message.

I check my phone the name Amorina pops up a smile makes its way to my lips as I read her message, I respond and put my phone back in my pocket.

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