Chapter 5

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a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia


"Mija, are you in there?" The sound of my mothers voice on the other side of my apartment door, greeted my ears.

I clear my throat,looking around the room for anything that could get me in trouble with my mom, I wasn't really hiding anything it's kinda a habit though.

As I walk towards the door, I take one more quick glance around the room, and let out a sigh.

"Hola, mamá." I was pulled into her hold as her arms wrapped around back, pulling me close. "Aw, ¿has estado llorando, cariño?" Her arms leaving my back, and the palm of her hands reaching for my face. As she examined my eyes, they were red and puffy.
[Aw, have you been crying, honey?]

"It's just been a hard day, Mamá." I didn't lie but I didn't tell the full truth, her eyebrows furrowing in disappointment as I felt the warmth from her hands leave my face. I could hear her hum as she pushed past me to look at my apartment.

"Hard day mi culo, what's wrong mi amor?" Her eyes traveling back to meet mine before placing herself on the couch, grabbing the palm of my hands to join her.
[My ass, My dear]

Even though my mom was tough she was definitely loving and supportive, when my brother came out as gay she bought him a pride flag, she was always there for me even when I did something wrong.

"Just work is stressful, and the customers there."
A hint of anger flashed through her eyes, her lips pursed and her jaw clenched before she closed her fist, her nails and the palm of her hand now in contact.

"¡Si una de esas escoria de la vida baja tocara a mi bebé!" She grabbed my cheeks, grazing her thumb over my cheek bone.
[If one of those, low life scums touched my baby!]

"Mama! Estoy bien, no one hurt me." Her gaze softened after she heard my comment, "Aw, mi amor, your Papá wants to see you, and Alex really misses you." She pushed herself off of the couch using her knees as support as she made her way to my kitchen to look for a quick snack.

I could hear her rummaging for snacks as I took a glance at my phone that had recently vibrated.

Text from 631-738-7725
-You should save my number, just in case.

I loudly scoffed before kicking my feet up on the couch and shutting my eyes. "Are you okay, mija?" My mom asked still rummaging through the pantry until settling with pretzels.

"Yes ma'am." I turned my head in her direction as she sat at the table eating a bowl of pretzels. She hated eating anywhere besides a table, she thinks it's rude.

"Are you sleeping here tonight?" I asked my mom who was now taking the last few bites of pretzels left before wiping her hands together and taking her bowl to the sink.

"Is that okay." Her eyebrow cocked as she walked towards me and pushed my feet of the couch forcing me to sit up while she replaced the empty spot where my feet used to be.

"Of course, mama, I love having you around." Usually when she came over she insisted on sleeping on the couch even though I told her to take my bed, she would say no every time, but sometimes I would try to wake her up and move her to my bed but still, half awake she wanted to sleep on the couch.

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