Chapter 11

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Verve (n)
enthusiasm or vigor, as in literary or artistic work; spirit.


The car ride was silent, heavy emotions were flowing through the car like an intense breeze during a hurricane.

"So Drea, how do you know Mr.Hunk over here?" Kaylee finally broke the silence but her words didn't help with the awkwardness of the situation.

I shift my gaze towards the dark haired man in the driver seat, I can see a small smile on his lips.

I don't know if it was the alcohol talking but he has really nice lips. In fact, he is really attractive. It's not his looks that I didn't like about him, it's his job.

Hell, I'd probably fuck him if it wasn't for his job.

Now it's definitely the alcohol talking.

"Um, are you just going to stare at him or answer my question?" Kaylee's voice rips me out of my own thoughts. I quickly turn away, his face out of my view.

"He's a friend from back home." As I try to hide the fact that I just thought about fucking a 'friend'.

Giovanni has been silent this entire ride. I genuinely contemplated jumping out of the car and walking the entire way back.

"Friend is kind of an understatement." Speak of the devil and he will speak. Giovanni finally spoke, keeping me away from thinking about him.

"No it's not. Actually it's an overstatement." I lean my arm on the car door as I use the palm of my hand to hold my head up.

"Have you guys fucked before?" Kaylee blurts out which causes me to almost choke on my spit, and Giovanni to chuckle.

"What?!" I erupt while quickly turning my body around to face her.

"I thought you guys were fuck buddies or something. You know friends with benefits?" She sounds serious which confuses me even more because we do not look nor talk like we want to fuck each other.

"No I'd rather jump off Mount Everest than even kiss him." It may have been a little harsh but it was true.

"Ouch." Giovanni spoke once more but his voice sounds more sarcastic than hurt.

This ride was so uncomfortable I actually started praying that his car broke down and I would have to walk the rest of the way.

"Are we almost home?" I sat still but I'm pretty sure everyone in the car could see I was uncomfortable.

"Yes." His voice was now serious I guess he could see I didn't like the conversation beforehand.

"You know I was just joking about the Mount Everest thing." I honestly said that to make him feel better. I was serious.

He chuckled and slightly shook his head. His took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on my hand to reassure me that he didn't mind. "It's fine. It didn't hurt my feelings."

The tension in the car was so thick you can cut it with a knife. I wondered why it was so quiet in the backseat.

I turn around and Kaylee is fast asleep. A small chuckle escape's my lips as I see her peacefully sleeping like she didn't just create the most awkward situation.
A little filler chapter!!


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