Chapter 9

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habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.


The sound of excited screaming woke me from my daydream as I saw scrawny black haired boy with the widest smile on his face.

"Alejandra estoy tan feliz de que estés aquí!" Micheal comes running toward me with the biggest smile on his face, even though he was 17 we always had an amazing relationship.
[Translation- Alejandra, I'm so happy that you're here!]

He basically tackles me down, and hugs me tight, he was also really strong. So, his hugs were a little snug. Behind him I catch a glimpse of a short, skinny, light skinned man, he looked around the same age as Micheal.

"Oh, I almost forgot this is my boyfriend, Aiden." He lets go me and takes a few steps back before wrapping his arm around Aidens shoulder. My brother has always avoided relationships due to the fact that our grandparents are not the fondest of gay people and things like that.

Aiden waves at me while giving me a tight-lipped smile before placing both hands into his pockets and rocking on his heels. "Well, Hi Aiden, I'm Alejandra; Micheal's sister." I give Aiden a hug before retreating back into my original position. Mama and Papa look at each other before giving Aiden their most kindhearted smile.

"Hi Aiden, make yourself at home. Are you hungry? I can make some food." My mom led Aiden into the kitchen, while me and Micheal laughed at how sweet she was, even to strangers.

"No, ma'am." Aiden sounded so sweet but so nervous. Micheal sat on the couch and turned on the tv before putting his feet on the coffee table. "5 bucks she feeds him anyway." He whispered in my ear before turning his attention back to the tv. I turn my head in mama's direction then back at Micheal, "Bet." I giggled then let my body relax.

Before I knew it, Mama was basically shoving Tamales down his throat. I cursed under my breathe before going upstairs to get my wallet.

I also left my phone upstairs because I wanted to spend time with my family and not on my phone, I didn't even know Giovanni texted me.

I decided to ignore it.

He was just a friend, and I was with my family.

I grab my wallet and head downstairs. Before I could reach the bottom of the stairs a high-pitched voice greeted me before I was pulled into a tight hug.

"Oh my god, Drea you're here!" A dark-skinned girl with black long curly hair lets go of me and I could finally get a good view of her face. "Kaylee?" A smile made its way to my face as I realized who it was.

Kaylee was my High School best friend. We stopped talking when we went to college due to stress and studies, but we knew that we were still best friends.

I really missed her.

"I didn't know you were coming." she grabbed the palm of my hand and led me to the couch sitting beside me and my brother. Her face lit up with joy as she saw my tattoo.

During high school I was basically a nerd, I didn't leave campus, smoke, or even go to parties. I just focused on my studies.

She used the pad of her index finger to trace over my shoulder where my tattoo was placed, "When did you get this?" Her face exhibited joy. I gave her a quick smile before my attention was turned to the person behind me who had grabbed my shoulder.

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