Chapter 3

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encourage interest or activity in (a person or animal)


"Im almost there, are you ready?" I could here Amara's car engine from the other side of the phone.

She has a really nice car, her "ex-boyfriend" Matteo had given to her on her 23rd birthday. Even a few times she would fuck someone in the car to add a little bit more spice when's she was trying to make him jealous.

"Im outside waiting for you." I pushed some of my hair to side and ran my fingers through my curls.

"Im turning the corner right now. Oh i see you." her car turned around the corner. when i saw her i waved at her to just double check to see if she saw me.

I heard a click from her side of the phone then complete silence.

As she pulled up in front of me she rolled down her window and blew me a kiss.

"Get in loser we're going shopping." i mentally cringed at how cliché she sounds but I shrugged it off and got in her passenger seat.

As soon as I shut the car door I was bombarded with hugs and kisses, she was a really clingy person and Im technically her only friend, besides Matteo.

"Dios mío, te he echado mucho de menos" she sounded like my mom as she planted light kisses all over my cheeks.
[My God, I've missed you a lot.]

"Aye, me vas a matar!" she giggled at my response and gave me one last kiss before returning to her side of the car.
[Hey, you're going to kill me!]

"So how have you been chica?" she grabs the gearshift and moves it to drive. Before pressing the gas pedal she gives me one last glance and i could see a smile form on her face as she pressed the gas pedal.

"Ive been struggling." I admit, i could see her eyebrows furrow as she tucked her top lip under her bottle lip.

"Im ok, i promise princesa." she make a turn that jerks me to my left. I sigh at how reckless she was.

We had an entire conversation about everything that happened within the last months she hasn't seen me, including Giovanni.

"Damn bitch, you need a night out hella bad" she sarcastically rolled her eyes and glanced at me while giggling.

"Aw, te he echado demasiado de menos." even though its been a few months, she makes it seem like a year. She moves her hand over to my side and brushed up against my hair with the palm of her hand.
[Aw, I missed you too much]

As we finished our conversation we pulled into the Italian restaurant that we were gonna eat at.

As i was about to return her comment, my eyes landed on a very familiar car, in front of the restaurant.

"Mmm, whoever owns that car, has big polla." she literally had no filter, she will say whatever comes to her mind and not regret it. That's one of the things I loved and hated about her.

"Amara!" I slapped her arm jokingly with the palm of my hand.

"What, that's polla rica" I opened my mouth in surprise as thats the sentence she decided to say."
[Rich dick]

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