Chapter 6

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: an ardent desire or longing
especially : a feeling of loss or grief for something lost


As I kick my shoes of by the door, I plop down on the couch.

I jump to the sudden sound of a phone going off, my eyes averting to my purse and i mentally groan at the thought of having to get up.

I push my self up off the couch using my hands as support, I reach for my purse that's on the coffee table. I read a text message from Amara.

Sorry can't hang out me and Matteo want to spend time to together <3

I laugh at how quickly they got back together usually it takes about 4 days.

I text her back telling her it's ok and we can plan for next weekend.

But I'm suddenly shoved out of my thoughts when another text comes through but it's not from Amara it's from Giovanni.

Hey are you ok principessa?

Even though he was crazy his nicknames somehow gave me butterflies every time.

Instead of texting him back I click his name and call him. I don't know why but what I wanted to say couldn't be texted it had to be said.

He picked up the phone on the 3rd ring. He sounds out of breath and I heard metal scraping on concrete

"What's wrong tesoro?" His breath evened but he sounded irritated and confused I never call him or even text him at that matter.

"Can you come over?" Those word's coming out of my mouth sounded strange but so comforting. I feel back onto the couch turning my body to face the tv.

"I'm on my way teroso." With that being said I hung up and put the phone on the coffee table beside my purse

I lay there thinking about what I just said, I tend to overthink things until I either make myself not do it or nervous.


A knock disturbed the show I was watching, I pause the show and push myself off the couch and rub my forehead.

As I open the door a tired Giovanni greets me at the door he's wearing a black long sleeve tight shirt that hugged all the right places with grey sweatpants that were saggy but fit perfectly. He had plastic bags in his hands, I moved out of his way as he placed the bags onto my counter top.

"What's in the bags?" I walk up to the bags and peek through to find period products and food. I laugh at how many different varieties of pads and tampons he got and not only that he got ibuprofen for the cramps. Seeing a big buff guy basically bye out an entire store of period products would definitely be a sight to see.

"The Amazing World of Gumball?" He was referring to the paused tv that had a blue cat and a orange fish running down a street.

I decided to watch tv for a little bit, until he got here it took 2 hours at least, but it didn't bother me that much.

"What, it's a good show, plus I wouldn't have to watch it if you didn't take forever." He threw his hands up in defense as he started putting the food up , trying to find where everything goes.

"I had business I had to take care of, I tried but my job doesn't take that stuff lightly." I looked in one of the bags, and my eyes lit up as I saw the Kit Kat bag.

"Where do you work anyway, you kinda give off the same vibes as Matteo." I say while putting a small Kit Kat in my mouth and letting the chocolate melt.

He turns around facing me a serious expression on his face, "Who's Matteo?" His demeanor completely changed and his kind of frightened me because he did give off the vibes as a Mafia Boss or something like that and he could easily kill me. But I didn't let it show.

"He's my best friends toxic boyfriend, why does it matter? Are you jealous?" I smirk as I tease him placing another Kit Kat in my mouth I grab the bags with the period products in them to take them in the bathroom, after placing them into their correct spot and throwing away the plastic bags I head back to the kitchen, sitting on the island counter.

"You didn't answer my question." I swing my feet back and forth as I watch him cut up raw chicken he gets the seasoning and seasons the food as he tries to think about what to say.

"Matteo is in the mafia, are you?" I swallow my fear as I ask the question. He puts the knife down and comes closer to me, he places his palm on the space beside me his head hung low.

"Yes." He answered my question in the most blunt tone my mind raced at the thought of what he does and who he kills, " but I would never hurt you." He grabs my hands his hands were warm and very veiny.

He kissed the palm of my hands as he stared me in the eyes looking for any resistance or fear. He definitely scared me but I knew deep down he wouldn't hurt me. No matter what, I knew he couldn't bring himself to the thought.

"The Matteo your talking about he works for me, he's actually my best friend and my right hand man." He turns around continuing to prepare dinner. I jump off the counter and head into the living room to finish the rest of the episode.


"Dinner is ready." I could hear him cleaning up his mess before pulling out my chair and waiting for me to sit before pushing it in.

"This looks so good." My voice cracked a little I could hear a chuckle escape his lips as he started eating. It was chicken with green beans and mashed potatoes.

"So, you kill people?" He nearly chocked on his food at my suddenness but I was serious. He looked at me to see if I was kidding but my face straight he had no other choose but to answer.

"Yes, but only the ones who deserve it." I knew he also sold drug and shipped them but I was creeped out enough so I stopped asking questions.

After we finished our food I cleaned up while he put up leftovers for me to eat tomorrow. I could see him keep glancing at his phone as he kept getting notifications, I didn't ask him about it but I could see he desperately needed to leave.

"You can go if you need to." He looked at me his expression softened slightly before he nodded and left not giving me another glance. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in as I finished cleaning and hopped into the shower.

I got ready for bed and plopped onto my bed turning to my phone wondering if I should text him or leave him alone. I decided to text him and tell him I'm sorry for making him feel like I wanted him gone, when in reality I wanted him here.

I sent it and my body tensed waiting for him to answer back. I felt my phone vibrate after a few minutes he replied saying that he had to leave anyway and he'll see me tomorrow. I turned off my phone and shut off my lamp before rolling over and going to sleep




I'm thinking of doing Giovannis POV next chapter. Thoughts??

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