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So I walk out to the car and unlock it and start the are then yk I drive to the store I'm not good at car rides so let's say you made it to the the store and walk in

You walk and get

•blue Takis
•orginal Takis
•air heads
•hot Cheetos
•hot mama pickle
•2 sneakers
•2 hot Cheetos puffs
•2 cotton candy bangs
And I got to the cashier

???- ok ur total is 27.38$

You give him ur money and grab ur bag and check ur phone

???- can I get your number

You look up

You- I'm sorry but I'm taken

You lie

???- sorry have a nice day

You- you as well

You leave and get in the car and go back home once u get there you unlock the door and lock the car and walk to Christians room to give him and his girl stuff you slam the door open and they was cuddling

You- ewww

Christian- shut up

You roll ur eyes and hand him his Takis and you get her hot mama pickle and throw it at her face and it scratched her

Btw she was asleep

You- wake up and eat that bitch

You walk out and slam the door and go to Adrians room and walk in cuz the door was open and I walk in there rooms cuz they do it to me

You hand mike his hot Cheetos

Kobe his air heads

Derek his cotton candy bang his sneakers and his hot Cheeto puffs

Derek- thank you bestie

He pulls you down into a hug and u hug back

Then you walk to vallyks and hand him his Takis

Vallyk- thank you

Mike- thank you

Kobe- thank you

Adrian- hurry up I'm hungry

You give him his stuff and lay on the foot of the bed bc Kobe Mike and vallyk was at the top Adrian was in the Bean bags chair. And so was derek you get on ur phone and watch TikTok an ride a good one

I need love and affection .

I do that and Derek walked behind me and tripped try gl trow away his trash
The video ended

You- Derek are you ok

You help him up
They a laughing.

You- it's not fucking funny

They stop

Derek gets up laughing

Derek- I'm ok thank you

You get your phone and walk up to your room and lay on the bed and watch TikTok

...thank you again

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