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I go and hug everyone 

Ur gg grandma

Toya- hey babe

You- heyy yaya

Toya- now who is this man behind you

I moved

You- oh yaya this is vallyk my boyfriend and vallyk this is toya my gg

Toya- but please call me gg

Vallyk- well nice to meet you gg

She gave him so many kisses on his face

Kobe- I got da drinks

Toya- well this is my time to raise up my hands

Toya- meee baby bring me some captin Morgan

Kobe- igh

I look over Derek is eating mike is dancing with taiya and Michael and nani is getting kisses from the old people

Kobe played some music and vallyk asked

Vallyk- come one mal let's dance bachata

You- yessss 

You get down there and start dancing with vallyk and he passes you to mike and taiya is videoing and I was passed to derek then passed to mya then to kobe then ba k to the girls all of then the this random dude my gg brought got me I didn't think much of it and the her grabbed my waist and turned me around so my face was to every one and my ass was on his dick he was hard its wierd like this I want vallyk the music was loud so I couldn't scream nobody would hear me he bends me over and I was trying to get out his grip then I just started crying it was so loud nobody heard me then I look over at vallyk talking to some friends with a box him his hand with my name on it I started punching the dude

We was in the corner it was kinda dark

Then vallyks head shot up and looked around and I moved my hand and he threw his stuff and ran to me the guy was trying to pull his yk out and vallyk grabbed me out the way and mya seen me then got me I was crying into her arm

Vallyk grabbed the dude my his arm and threw him down and started going full force on him he didn't even hear nobody screaming he didn't let nobody pick him off the dude he was like a hold big ass rock that nobody could move I seen him fight vallyk and I ran and grabbed vallyks arm and he finally looked up and went soft again and I pulled him up there was all blood on the floor and blood on the dude

Mike- take him up stairs

The dude- stupid little bitch

He said to malay

Vallyk pushed his way off and grabbed the man bye his arms under them and pinned him to the wall and then opened the front door and slammed him on the rail this time I took off my shoes and ran cuz he was finna break the man's spine in half I grabbed vallyk by his hand and he would not move kobe and the girl and the boys ran we all tried to get him but vallyk is to strong for this and he kept punching him in the stomach and face this point nobody could help all we can do is let him go

Mals pov.

I cant let him go he will go to jail
If I we let him go at it

I ran out in between vallyk and the dude vallyk didn't even realize I was there



then I looked at his he was tearing up


I put my arms around vallyks waist and hugged him then he stopped the dudes moms got him and rushed to there house and every one started  leaving cuz they didn't know what to do at all

Vallyk- I'm sorry guys

He said looking at the group

Vallyk- I'm sorry mal

They all came and hugged him

Mike- vallyk we tried pulling you and pushing you off and u didn't move
but a hug from mal works

Vallyk- ion know sum about it makes me weak try it shes so tiny and like lord

Nani- well she might be older then me but shes the shortest put of all of us boys and girls

We walk inside and sit on the couch and we was talking

Loni- let's do her gifts

Kobe- this is my gift here

I opend it it was a matching pearl necklace like his

U hugged him

Thank u for reading peace and love ✌🏽🤘🏽

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