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I wake up and wonder why the HELL am I in the car I look to my left and see bold headed asss vallyk fuckin pena

Vallyk- morning.

You- morning my ass wtf are be doing in the car at like

Looks at my phone

You- 10 a clock in the morning

Vallyk- oh we are in New York baby

You- NEW

vallyk- york yes baby keep up

You- but what about the others

Vallyk- they discussed to stay in California for a little longer

You- how long

Vallyk- 1 month maybe more

You- Uhhhhhhh

U lower ur seat and wine

Vallyk- oh ur ok it's not that bad


U wine

Vallyk- yes u are

He stops at a hotel

Vallyk- come on

U get out and notice I was fully dressed

You- wtf this man is snicky asf

Vallyk- hurry up

I run up and walk beside him

We walk in and go to the lobby there was a girl there she was a blond white girl she looked about 19 - 20

Lady- hey how can I help you

Vallyk- uh I need a one bed please

Lady- oh ok well u do have ur friend there so maybe u need a 2 bed

Vallyk- uhh no I need a one

Lady- but-

You- we gon sleep together so it's a one bed

Lady- ok but friends dont sleep together
So baby boy can can I have ur number

Vallyk- no and dont call me the I'm married

Lady- I'm so sorry uh yes heres the key room number 395

He snatched the keys and we walked to the care and he grabbed suitcases and we walk in the to the room it was beautiful had a wonderful bed and balcony and a wonderful bathroom. 

You- this shit is -

Vallyk- nasty

You- what-

Vallyk- its so girly and clean and pink and uhhhhh

You- I think its beautiful

Vallyk- and I think its trash moving on

You- no

Vallyk- fine whatever

He throws himself on the bed and gets on his phone

You look out the balcony

You- awww kids playin hop scotch

I run out the room and vallyk runs after me I get down stairs with the kids

You- can I play ?

???- ur like 40

This nicca

You- I'm 16

???- oh then yeah sure

U roll the rock it lands on 5


I go to 5 and turn around and go back

???- ur cool let's be friends I'm Marco I'm 14

???- yea let's be friends I'm jaiden
I'm 13

You- weres yalls parents

Marco- well we dont have any we come from that children's center down the street

You- oh my - VALLYK

He walks over

You- meet Marco and jaiden

Vallyk- wassup

Marco- wsp

Jaiden- hiiiiiii

You- can we bring them back to las vages with us

Jaiden- las!!!!!

Marco- vages!!!!!

You- yeah we live there

Vallyk- I dont wanna be parents yet tho

You - lord no vallyk like as siblings

Vallyk- uhh ok

Since also kobe and his girl are getting a place mike and girl are getting a place Derek and his girl is getting a place Michael is gonna go live with his girlfriends mom so there all moved out so we have a 4 bedroom house to are self's we can fit 2

Vallyk- well that's a good idea

Them- yessssss

You- let's go

Vallyk grabs his keys

Vallyk- yall wanna ride in the car down there ?

Them- yesss

We go to the car and drive to the children's center

Me and vallyk get out and the boys was scared

Marco- I dont wanna go back in there shes mean

Jaiden- really mean

You- well just wait for us out here

Yall walk in holding hands

Yall ring the bell

Love u babes its 3:30 in VAGES

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