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1 shot down

2 shots down

3 shots down

4 shots down

5 shots down

6 shots down

7 shots down

8 shots down

9 shots down

At this point I could not breathe I was coughing it's just seven more do it Malay do it

10 shots down

11 shots down

12 shots down

13 shots down

14 shots down

15 shots down

16 shots down

Shit I'm finna pass out

17 shots down

All the hear is a ringing sound in my ears there is people yelling and clapping saying good job the girls was so happy and I has go up she held my stomach
And sat down and layed back my head

1 hour later the girl was walking me to the car I was Drunk after 17 shots I have 6 more in total that's 23 shots I sat in the car talking about nothing

Tay- girly what are you saying

You- I'm da coochie mannnn

You- I'm da coochie mannnn

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The girls- hahahaha

You pick up your phone and try to unlock it

You- someone help meee

You draged the E

Tay- I don't know it

You- damnit

Mya- it's 2386

You try and it works you go on phone and hit a name that says


You call it


Hey Baby wassup

Who are you?

Baby it's vallyk

Vallyk ohhhhh yeah hey vallyk

What's wrong Mal

Nothing how you been vallyk

Umm yeah there's something wrong with you put tay on the phone


Tay- wassup vallyk

Whats wrong with Mal

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