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I wake up and here marco talking to jaiden but I still stay in bed half asleep

Jaiden- u almost told her?!

Marco- almost....

Jaiden- that's embarrassing

Marco- it's ok just be honest with her

Jaiden- ok

Marco- but we also need to get used to vallyk because hes her boyfriend

I then got out of bed and went to the bathroom and washed my hands and looked in the mirror

You- how the hell did my shirt come off I cant let me boys see me like this

I hear a knock on the door

U crack it and it was vallyk
U let him in and he pinned you to the wall

Vallyk- just wait till we have more alone time ima fuck the hell out of u 

He says as he smiles like this 🙃

You- we are going to the skating rink tonight come with us

Vallyk- bet

He sat his phone down and i picked it up he looked at you then looked away I unlocked it and went to snap there was plenty people and girls that want him put he never opens anything so I taped on a girl named Emma


(👩🏼) im.emma😎

Emma- hey vallyk

Me- heyy this is his girlfriend wyd?

Emma replied fast

Emma-he dont have a girlfriend

Vallyk washed his hands and left the bathroom without his phone


I walk out the bathroom and got under the blanket STILL NO SHIRT JUST SPORTS BRA

(👩🏼) im.emma😎

Emma- he don't have a girlfriend

Me- u wanna bett

Emma- send a picture of yall

Me- bett that up

I pulled vallyks shorts off and handed him my phone and he started watching tiktok on my phone and I sat on him in riding passion and his shirt was off and I put my hand on his chest

You- vallyk look at the camera

He looked up and I started recording me slowly grinding on him and he looked back down at the phone and I flipped the camera and showed myself

Sent to im.emma😎

Opened just now

Emma- that could be staged so kiss him


he looks over as hes on ur private pictures

You- really u gon find us fuckin in there and my ass and a hole lot of titties ykyk

And I kissed him on video and he grabbed my next and I had to stop the video

Send to im.emma😎

Opened just now

Emma- wow anyways that stuff have a wonderful marriage 💔💔

Me- yeah ok

I blocked her off snap and noticed it was vallyks phone

You- sorry

Vallyk- it's ok

Love my babes😎🙃
Also thank you for wanting to be in my story emma and she picked everything in the messages she didn't want me to put her @ so thank u emma all peace and love to you🏃🏾‍♀️ser

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