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We buy the stuff and I call vallyk


Hey baby girl wsp

When are we going back u VAGES

Um tomorrow night

Ok thank god people here are rude asf

Did the boys get there phones

Yeah they did

Oh ok what kind

They got the iphone 13s


Yup ok I gtg jaiden is running around foot locker

Lmao ok bye baby love u

Love u to .

He hangs up

Jaiden- look at meeeeeeee

Then he falls

U run over and see these boys about Marco's age

???- hahaha stupid loser

You- excuse me

???- oh- hey beautiful

You- stfu why did u trip my lil brother

???- cause I can

You- no u cant lil boy the hell

???- my names ray and I'm 14 I'm not little

You- my names malay I'm 16 and I'll beat yo ass

Ray- what ever

With out being said next thing you know hes on the ground crying

Ray- why man whyyyy

You- why not.

Ray- ur mean

You- and so is yo wet back granny

Ray- I love my granny

You- and I love yo daddy

Marco- damnnnn

I walk away with the boys and we go back to the hotel room vallyk was in the shower (sound proof rooms

Jaiden- can we cuss

You- idc

Marco- hell yeah

I laughed and they go to there rooms btw it's dark out side
The boys set up there phones in there room with the door closed and I walked to the ( SOUND  PROOF BATHROOM)  and take off my clothes and get in and vallyk was washing his hair so his eyes was closed and he didn't hear me there was music playing I look down at my feet and up at him and wait for him to open his eyes and he did and he jumped

Vallyk- heyyy

You- heyy

Vallyk- wyd?

You- idk wyd

Vallyk- taking a shower

You- obviously

Vallyk- mhm

He pulls u closer to him and hugs u

You put ur hand on his chest and go down to his mhm and he just looks at you and starts breathing heavily and I suck his dick ykyk if u do you do I was deep thrusting that nicca shit ong fr fr I mean manz was moaning and shi he pulled me back up ( NO CONDOM BITCH IS ON A PILL)

He puts yo leg up over his hips and he go at that thing fast asf and you was moaning


marco- you hear dat?


Marco- oh ok just seeing if I'm crazy

Jaiden- u must be

As he watches tiktok

( back in the bathroom

You- oh shit stop I cant

Vallyk- u must.

He goes deeper in that shit

Yall cum and shit like that

Yall go back to the bed room u had on some black shorts and a white tank top and some socks and u was limping to the boys room

Marco- u good sis?

You- I'm good

Marco- ok

Jaiden- hiiiii

You- hiiiii

U limp in to there room

You- yall took showers yet

Jaiden- I'm getting my pajamas right now so I can go take one

You- ok marco get ready for urs

Marco- igh

He puts his phone down and gets up

Marco- my birthday is on june 29th jus so u knowwww

You- that's my birthday to lmao

Marco- yuhhh

Jaiden- mines January 2th

You- that's when my brothers is

Jaiden- wow

He takes his socks and goes to shower

Marco- can I date

You- ofcourse I just want to meet them first

Marco - bett

You- how about we go to the skating rink tonight before we go back to VAGES and see if we can find u a girl

Marco- yessss

You- yall out of school?

Marco- yup are u

You- yeah but I have prom then we leave

Marco- ohh what's prom

You- it's a high school party that high school kids do before they leave school

Marco- that's cool

You- I have a question

Marco- ask away

You- what does jaiden like ?

Marco- oh well he loves cats and hes b- nvm I promise to never tell anyone

You- hes what?

Marco- I forgot I can't tell anyone u will have to ask him

You- I will thank you for the cat thing what do u like

Marco- well I like farrets and basketball

You- Bet ima go to sleep now dont forget to shower ok

Marco- I wont goodnight l-love u

You smile

You- love u to

U get up and limp to ur bed

And shut the door behind u vallyk was in bed layin down on his phone and I get in the bed and roll over and cuddle him he holds me and puts his phone down and we fall asleep.

Sweet dreams babys❤😉

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