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Sooooo 1 week later the gang went on a trip to Chicago and me and vallyk stayed home because of the puppy TIYOUN we love my baby

Vallyk was wear a care bear onesie so was I and he looked mad so rolled over on the bed to see him

You- hey😎

Vallyk- hey 😎😎

You- y u mad 😎😎😎

Vallyk- I ain't had pussy in a week😎😎😎😎

You- ok 😎😎😎😎😎

Vallyk- we are going to my parents house for the week


vallyk- my sister moved out so no girl time

You- whatttttt I miss her

Vallyk- and my mom is on a girls trip so my dad me and you and Kenny

You- eww all boys

Vallyk- oh yeah also my step brother I dont know him this is gonna be my first time meeting him

You- mkkk

I roll on top of vallyk and lay there hes so tall

Also he was loved3up in height he is 5'9
And sadly ur still 5'0

Ur to his lower stomach now

igh I'm done anywho

You get up and start packing clothes and Tiyoun comes in barking u pick in up and he licks ur face


U put in on vallyk and he trys to bite vallyks nipple

Vallyk- OWWWWW

he puts him on the floor

Vallyk- hes evil

You- I know right.

Vallyk- ima pack

You- mkkk

Yall get all packed and u get dressed him this.

Yall get all packed and u get dressed him this

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Vallyk wore

All day anywho

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All day anywho

We got tiyouns stuff and food and shii and drove to his house in the car


I was moving around in my seat a lil to much and I start moving stuff around and I pull off my shorts and underwear and vallyk had his music loud and didn't pay attention to me I took a blanket from the back seat and put it over me and I slowly started pulled the top of vallyks pants down he looked at me the looked away and started jamming to his red wave and I had the blanket around me and climbed on to his lad and sat in riding passion

Vallyk-mal move

You- no

Vallyk- I'm driving we are gonna reck

You- no we are not
The red light turned green

Vallyk- what ever just scoot ur head over so I can see

I scooted my head over

I waited a minute till the next red light and I started moving I pulled this pants down in the front and he looked at me

Vallyk- not now

I pushed it in me

You- shhhh bebe solo un minuto de dos ok?

(Shhhh baby only a min of two ok?

I pounch hard asf and vallyk pulled into parking lot its just a car lot and he lean the seat back u start pounding this man's shit ANYWHO YALL GET TO HIS HOUSE AROUND 9 SO YALL GOT TO HIS OLD ROOM AND WENT TO BED...


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