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Jada- thanks boo

You- your welcome baby

Vallyks looks over

You- boo

Vallyk looks away

Tyler-soooooo what yall be doin alone

You always hated Tyler

You- why

Tyler is a stuck up white boy wit a buzz cut

Tyler- watch yo attitude milly

U stood up

Vallyk- yall stop like damn

Vallyk pulls u to his lap

Tyler rolled his eyes

Myah- mal I love ur eyes

You- aww thank you

Vallyks pov

4 hours later they left and taydow was at his girls house kenny was at a sleep over and dad was out with his homies and most likely sleeping at there house so it's just me and mal

End of vallyks pov


vallyk- yesss my love

He was laying on the couch I came and sat on his in riding passion

You- I want u to put me in every position right now

He laughed

Vallyk- not now

U laugh cuz it was a joke

And lay on on top of him and fall asleep

Love u babys my children 😌😌

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