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vallyk- we want to take 2 of ur kids

Lady- which ones

We look for there names on the list

You- marco moore and jaiden moore

Lady- ohhh the double trouble I want u to sigh these papers

We sigh

Lady- great great I'll go get there stuff

You- that's not necessary

Lady-why is that?

You- we can buy them new stuff

Lady- I want 34,000 for them

You- this is not posh mark I'm not gonna buy children

Lady- do it or no marco or jaiden

I pull on a stack from my poket and slam it on the desk

You- keep yo change

Vallyk spits on the floore and we walk away

You- really

Vallyk- yes really

Marco- sooooo we go?

Vallyk- bad news boys

The look sad

You- oh hush vallyk yall are coming with us come one

We get them and drive to the New York mall and let them get what they want they got nikes Jordan's air Jordan's they got all kinds of clothes they got hair cuts marco got waves jaiden got a cute little curly top with the sides off we got Marco's nose pierced and jaiden ears pierced and they marco got his braces fixed we was walking to the McDonald's

Girl- oh look at him hes cute

Girl 2- I know look at the short one hes fine asf

Marco- u can stop staring now


the girls walk away mad

We get there and get the boys food and it was getting dark so we went back to the hotel room and put the boys bags down

You- we need another room

We got a two bed room but the beds are in separate rooms with doors marco and jaiden have had there little room and me and vallyk had are room private 😻

The boys was watching spongebob and I closed there door and layed in my bed with vallyk

You- let's buy them phones tomorrow

Vallyk- ok I love those kids there so funny I'm glad to have them as siblings

Goodnight babyz

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