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You walk out and Michael and vallyk follow you you run up to you room and Michael comes in there and hugs you and vallyk walks in

You- get out

Vallyk- I

Michael walked out fast and vallyk walked to the door and shut it and locked it and walked over to you and pushed you down on the bed

You- stop

Vallyk- naw cuh u not finna get a attitude with me

He pinned you on the bed

Your mind-
I want this man in me but it's gonna hurt I'm still a virgin maybe some other time

He kissed you and got up

You- whattttttt

Vallyk- nope you don't get none


Vallyk- cry about it

He says walking over to the mirror fixing his swimming trunks and you just stare at his fix his 🙈🙈🙈 and you just don't blink then he looked at you and seen it

Vallyk- you wanna see huh?

You- uhhh what me shh naw I was just uhhh looking at- uh I

Vallyk pulled his pants down and up fast and I didn't see anything

Vallyk- good luck

He walked over to the door and unlocked it and you followed him downstairs

And Adrian was crying

You- bubba I'm ok I'm sorry for what I said

Adrian- I just wanted to be safe

You- I am, where are the girls

Adrian- waiting for you out there they said they had -

Derek- ✨✨💅🏽💅🏽TEA💅🏽💅🏽✨✨

you run outside and the girls start saying it

Tay- BITCHHHHH guess what happened to me

You- girl tell me

Tay- Derek took my virginity

The girl - YESSSSSS

Mya - has vallyk took your yet girly

You- no he keeps teasing and flashing his yk at me

The girls- ugh men

You- right

Y'all talk and then go back in and u get dressed in this

Y'all talk and then go back in and u get dressed in this

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