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A little bit later they come back with the snakes Michael is staying the night vallyk had a skanky ass attitude for some reason an he Is being mean to me .

Vallyk - move

He pushes you a little and walks to the bathroom

You roll ur eyes and go grab ur food from Mike

You- here Michael

Michael- thank you

You- no problem

You grab his arm lightly and walk up stairs with him and shut ur door

Michael- what's wrong

You- nothing

You say throwing ur stuff on the bed walking to the bathroom

Michael-there is something wrong you care about ur food so u never throw it what's wrong

You- that boy vallyk he's so fucking rude for no damn reason like what did I do to him to make him mad at me ?

Michael - girl fuck him he probably likes you .

You- hmmm , wait stop no

Michael- mhmmmm

You push his head and y'all laugh

Y'all sit down and eat ur food and watch Netflix

Michael- you gonna eat that🤨

You- nah you can have em

He grabbed the Takis

Michael- bestie I'm getting fat

You- 😭 lord.

Michael- I am

Someone knocked on the door

You- come innnn

Vallyk - come downstairs and eat

He rolls his eyes

You- turn around vallyk

Vallyk- what Malay

You- why are u so mad at me

Vallyk- it's not you

You- then who is it

Vallyk- nevermind

You get up and grab him
And he looks down at you

Vallyk- ok I'm mad bc ur lil skanky friend had a attitude

You- 1,that's childish

Vallyk- HOW

You- don't fucking yell at me it's. Childish because you get mad over an attitude u are 17 vallyk grow up

Vallyk- I'm sorry ur right

He hugged you but you
Hug him back

Thank you for reading 😘
Good night luvs

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