Venting Writing 5 (My Weird Dream #1)

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9 April 2015 12:44 pm

My Weird Dream #1

SO last night/this morning I had a REALLY strange dream

My dream involved me, nurses, needles, blood, and I think a hospital

(Don't worry there's NO drug/substance abuse involved!!)

So I think I was at a hospital

And I guess I had to get a shot or something, I don't really know.

Anyways, so one nurse came up to me with a needle

She said that it might pinch or hurt a little or something

SO she comes towards me with the needle, I am standing by the way and so is she,

And she told me to be still so I stand there being as still as possible

And I was expecting to feel some pain or something but I felt nothing

Not a pinch, pain, nothing....I DISLIKE needles with a PASSION!

SO for me to NOT feel a thing when the nurse put the needle in my arm

Was really quite strange to me, although

This is not the first dream I had like this with needles and drawing blood

But anyways so after she put the needle in my arm, my right bicep to be exact,

Another nurse was standing next to her with another needle.

The second nurse told me basically the same thing as the first nurse

Then she put the needle she had in my arm to the left (my left) of the first needle

Still I felt NO pain or anything

So then I look at the two needles in my arm as the two nurses walked away

So I just stood there looking around at nothing in particular

And notice that my blood was filling the two needles in my arm

So I go to find the two nurses to ask if I can take the needles

Out of my arm since it seemed to be filled.

So I turned to my left to find the two nurses chatting or whatever

And say, "Excuse me, can I take the needles out now?"

(It was maybe a minute or so that passed by before I went to find the two nurses btw)

And then one of the nurses said "No." so I asked why

And then I am not sure what the nurse said but then I woke up.

And that is the end of my WEIRD dream.

I have so many weird and strange dreams like this it just seems normal now.

They vary from being nightmares, questionable, happy, sad, random, depressing, and more.

*Abnormal Psych Fact of the day: 80% people with schizophrenia smoke

*PS just so you know (jsyk) I was typing this my Abnormal Psych class hence the Abn Psych fact above lol*

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