Prologue 2: Still In JoJo

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Brandon POV:

DIO has just used The World to slice his wrist to give Brandon the Vampire Blood.

"Now what will you do Brandon?"

"Father? Shouldn't I be dead?"

"No, as a last resort, I turned you into a Vampire. Can you tell me who chopped off your head?"

"Yes, Father. It was All for One, but I believe he got away. While I would like to go kill him, as I have the advantage of him not knowing I'm alive, I have no idea where he could have gone. I have one bit of information though, he called someone he called "Doctor" on the phone. He called and asked for someone to call Kurogiri to pick him up, does it ring any bells, Father?"

"Well All for One was pretty mad, and I believe he wanted to destroy me by killing you. How did he trick you, by the way, I know you don't fall for a simple slice towards the neck."

"He gave me this handy bit of information, information he probably only gave because he thought I would die before I could give away any of this information. Vanilla Ice, please leave the room, and go downstairs, DON'T FORGET THE DOOR."

"Yes, Lord Brandon," replied Vanilla Ice before he left through the door. Brandon used Stardust Guardian to quickly close the door before addressing his father.

"Now that the idiot's gone, I will tell you this Father. All for One, the quirk, cannot only steal quirks but also give them. That is how he gained so much influence, he made people with so-called villainous quirks quirkless and gave quirkless people, like me, quirks."

"That is concerning, I assume he reeled the fishing rod after telling you how to bite it? With a powerful quirk, I assume?"

"Yes, he offered a quirk that could heal a headshot after saying he heard the rumor that people were going to try to assassinate me, with the assassin being him. I should have been able to see through the cheap lie, but me inheriting your paranoia I quickly accepted the quirk while also suspecting he may have been trying to kill me."

"First of all, I'm glad you didn't completely fall for his trick, but here comes the hard part. The reason I could never go in the sun, and why you might never, is because we Vampires can't go in the sun. Although, If I find a way into the sun again, I will use The World and its ability to Stop Time to enslave humanity."

"Very well Father, I will leave you be for now. Perhaps to the library," Brandon said to himself. He rushed to the library leaving DIO to his own thoughts.

"I'm glad I gave Brandon a High-school level education before he turned 3, despite the absolute hell we had to go through, for, without that, Brandon would have died in my Manor's walls. Now I should figure out we will kill All for One."


It is now three days before the Joestars are set to arrive at DIO's Manor. Brandon is currently in the library like his other Father was in the late 1880s

'I wonder how Father was able to hire a literal baby and convince two blind men he was so hot they should work for him. It's a strange yet amusing thought.' "I wonder how long the Joestars will take to get here? I'm glad Father didn't require me to fight, but if the Joestars recognize I'm a vampire they'll kill me. Perhaps introducing myself to one of the after they "die" will stop them from instantly attacking. I have unlocked this mysterious Stand that allows me to heal objects, and if I concentrate hard enough I was able to bring a determined person back to life."

Brandon then gets smacked in the head by some weird scroll that looks like a map. (Which will have no plot convivence, right?)

"What the Hell? What is this?"

When Brandon wasn't able to read the map in the dark, he thought it was important, so he kept it while he was sleeping. 

Brandon: I wonder what it is with seemingly important things and them attacking me before letting me keep them, except for AFO, he's important, but when I get the chance to I'm gonna split his head open so wide people are gonna think he grew another mouth and lost all his baby teeth at once."

[Flashy Flashy Backy Backy]

DIO is currently watching Brandon's Stand training, while Brandon is improving his accuracy at high speed by speed-blitzing Stardust Guardian's fists next to the dummy, trying to get as close as possible without hitting it.

"You must make any movement with your Stand natural Young Master," said Enya. "If you don't you won't be able to protect yourself or get revenge on the horrid AFO."

"Yes Enya, I know I must train to bring down AFO. Especially as my Stand is more powerful than most quirks. If I get just a little more accurate, I might be able to contend with All Might in power, and while I might not always level buildings quickly, Stardust Guardian can take a blow with no knockback. I don't even have to mention that All Might physically can't hurt Stardust Guardian, he can only try to block it based on my body language."

"Yes, you seem to have memorized the basic rules of a Stand, including the fact that most regular Stands can't be seen by regular people.

Due to the mastery of knowledge of a Stand (And Plot), DIO's Stand Arrow flies over,  pierces, and slithers into his arm toward his hand.

While he was shaken, Brandon was able to ask, "What's happening?"

"I d-don't know, this has never happened before," Enya replied. "Even if this had the Stand arrow must have some effect, right?

"Perhaps it's as you said Enya, he's completely memorized the rules of Stands," said DIO. "The arrow could be choosing its new master, as it would a target."

"Perhaps, or Perhaps Not," Brandon said.

[Flashy Flashy Backy Backy Over]

"I probably just need to sleep over this and think of a theory tomorrow, maybe look into Dad's theory on Fate having its own Gravity."

A/N: This is just me trying to tell myself I need sleep, but I might not listen.

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