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Joseph POV:

Bucciarati: Quit screwing around. We're going out.

Narancia: Huh? Where?

Bucciarati: Follow me and you'll find out. Hurry it up.

Starting with Giorno, everyone sitting stood up and began to walk to the exit.

Mista: Hey, what are we going to do about a car? 

Abbacchio: We got a loaner.

Fugo: Since a certain someone destroyed our last one.

Mista: Hey, I told you that wasn't my fault!

Narancia: Why did you drink all of that piss earlier?

Brandon: I had to refill, and that doesn't relate to any Stand, Quirk, or fetish. You'll find out later what I mean, probably.

[Time Skip]

Narancia: We're going cruising on a yacht? That's awesome!

Abbacchio: When did you get a yacht?

Bucciarati: We're going to rent one.

Abbacchio: Huh?

Narancia: Aw, it's just a rental.

Mista: Say, Bucciarati...

Bucciarati: Hmm?

Mista: Whatever you do, please don't rent that one with the number 4. It'll sink. I know it.

Fugo: Oh, come on... If that were the case, it wouldn't be floating there now.

Mista: Shut up! Then you can ride on that one!

Team Bucciarati entered the boat rental service.

Bucciarati: We'd like to rent a yacht.

Yacht Owner: Of course! You can use whichever one you like.

Mista: Other than 4!

Bucciarati: All right. Sir, I'd like the one on the far left.

Joseph: That would be Lagoon1. That might be important info later on.

Yacht Owner: All right. Let me get you the key.

Bucciarati: For now, I'd like to rent it for three days. How much will that cost?

Yacht Owner: Oh, I could never ask you for money, Mr. Bucciarati! Use it as long as you'd like.

Bucciarati: Thanks.

Narancia then walked over to the counter, holding a bunch of snacks and drinks.

Narancia: Ring me up, pops! Ne-he

[Time Skip]

Narancia: This feels nice.

Mista: Hey, Narancia... Hey!

Narancia: Huh?

Mista: Well, uh, you know... You bought drinks, didn't you? Would you sell me one?

Narancia: What? You always say that, but you never pay!

Mista: Oh, who cares? Gimme one! Come on, hurry! Gimme!

Narancia: You're so helpless. Do you want a cola or Sprite?

Mista: I'll take a co- Actually, a Sprite since it's clear.

Narancia: Here you go.

Mista: Thanks. Could you hold this magazine for me?

Mista opened the drink before grabbing the magazine again...

Mista: Thanks, and thanks again...

...while pouring a bit of his drink on Narancia's beatbox behind the magazine. It broke after a few seconds.

Narancia: Huh? What's wrong with this thing? It just stopped working! Why'd it stopped? I just bought it! Damn it! How dare he sell me something like this?! That stupid old guy from the electronics store is gonna regret this!

Mista: Hey! Come on, Bucciarati! Hurry up and tell us where this boat's headed!

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