#5.0.1: Teaching Izuku Hamon

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Joseph POV:

It was the following night after he decided he would find a quirkless child, as Joseph knew they had the most potential for powerful Stands, as they didn't have Quirks "corrupting" the possible Stand abilities. Joseph had finally found an apartment complex with a Quirkless kid after around two years, so he was going to try and help the kid out.

Inko: Hello who is it? Oh, what is someone as young as you here for?

Joseph: I heard your son is Quirkless and wants to be a Hero, is that right?

Inko: Yes, but if you-

Joseph: Great! I can train him so he can learn some advanced techniques, and my Grandfather can assist. If he has the potential, which is completely different from Quirk's potential, he should be able to do things like heal bones or walk on water.

Inko: That's great, I'm glad someone wants to be friends with Izuku so they can help with his dream. Izuku! Will you come here?

Izuku: What is it, mom?

Inko: This young man wants to help you with your dream to become a Hero, and he says you don't even need a Quirk!

Izuku: That's great! Is there anything I should know first though?

Joseph: Great question. Most of the stuff I will teach you, you cannot teach to others without my permission. You shouldn't even tell them any more than the basics unless I say so. These secrets could be dangerous if let out. Most of these are probably more dangerous knowledge than the secrets of All Might's Quirk. Understand?

Izuku: I understand!

Joseph: Good. Meet me at my address in the evening. You can stay over for dinner, but we won't be doing any outdoor activities until the sun goes down. It shouldn't be made common knowledge until we fix it, but after a villain gravely wounded me I haven't been able to go in the sun. If I do, all my organs turn to dust and I'm reduced to a skeletal husk. I normally stay in the library, so that's where we'll begin. I'll drop Izuku off at your house at around 10 pm.

Inko: That's terrible for a young child to be through. I'll keep your paper with your address for when Izuku goes over. Hope you have a good evening.

Joseph: You too.

After Joseph leaves, Inko and Izuku have a conversation.

Izuku: It's so cool I'm getting someone to teach me different things. Did he say anything he could teach?

Inko: He said he or his grandfather, I don't remember which, could teach you techniques that can let you heal bones or walk on water.

Izuku: I'm diffidently going to start a notebook for this. I'm going to have so many notes! I hope he doesn't find my notetaking weird.

Inko: With how many things he knows, he probably has to take notes too. At most he'll think the amount of notes you take is odd, but not weird.

[Time Skip]

Before Midoriya arrived, Joseph was taking notes of things he needed to do, including getting enough DNA of the Satiporoja beetle to make a Hamon-resistant scarf.

Joseph: So you're finally here Izuku. What I'm going to detail in a moment can only be discussed with certain people currently, so you have to be secretive about what they truly are.

Izuku: Alright, but who are the people I can discuss this with? 

Joseph: Only my family and the Speedwagon foundation's Supernatural Research branch. Those are the only people who know of these and can be reliably talked with. We will be discussing things taught to the people in that branch, but unlike them, we will be going beyond the basics. We will be discussing Stands, Hamon, and Spin.

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