#16.0: Golden Hair

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Joseph POV:

Joseph: This is diffidently better than the last time I went on a plane, where I had to be in a body bag.

Koichi: We're still going to have to adapt to the jetlag. How did you fair moving to Japan?

Joseph: Pretty good, as I had completely adapted to the jetlag in a single night. Now to find Haruno Shiobana, wherever he is.

Koichi: Look over there! That kid's stuffing his whole ear into his head! Does he have a Quirk?

Joseph: Let me use Whitesnake to check.

Whitesnake then tries to extract a Quirk DISC to no avail.

Joseph: Interesting. He's Quirkless.

Koichi: That might be him, and he seems to be having a part-time Taxi. Should we use it?

Joseph: Well we need to investigate so we should do it. Hello, would you mind taking us into the city? The line seems pretty long and we need to get to a hotel. 

Giorno: That was fast, I didn't even need to bargain. That'll be 10,000 lire per person.

Joseph: Cheap, but it is an illegitimate taxi so I'll accept.

Giorno: Okay, just put your luggage in the front and get in.

Joseph: I'll Stop Time so he won't scam us, got it?

Koichi: Sure.

Joseph: Here's our luggage, we'll get in fast so we don't waste your time or gas.

Giorno: He's suspiciously onboard with this obvious scam. Too onboard.

Joseph then Stops Time right as Giorno is going to leave and gets in with Koichi.

Joseph: It is a nice day wouldn't you say Koichi?

Koichi: Yeah it is. A surprise you were able to start the car right after we got in...

Giorno: Giorno Giovanna. How did you get in so quietly anyways?

Joseph: That's a secret we'll share if trust you enough after some questions. First, do you know anything about someone called "Haruno Shiobana?"

Giorno: I would like to know why you want to know about him.

Joseph: We're investigating certain connections, but he's so just barely part of the connection we just want to be safe.

(Embarrassed)Giorno: Yes, I know him. He's my original identity.

Joseph: Don't be ashamed, Joseph Kujo isn't my original identity either. It was Brandon Brando, a name to be ashamed of because our dad decided my name would be the peak dad joke.

Giorno: That is the best Dad-joke first name you could make with that last name.

Joseph: Just curious, did your mother ever mention other siblings?

Giorno: She did say I had a twin, one who died and was taken out six weeks and four days before I was born. I wonder what that twin would be like if they were alive.

Joseph: Ha! So it happens that my long-lost younger twin tried scamming me the day we met. That's a story nearly nobodies gonna believe. Just so you know, what happened is that I stopped my heart, got removed, and then thrown away when they found I was alive and Quirkless despite the fact my heart had stopped. My heart had been stopped by my Stand, and I didn't need to restart it initially because our mother's heart was still connected.

Koichi: You say, dad and mother, is there a reason for that Joseph?

Joseph: Yeah Koichi, while I can accept my dad as a parent, I can't say the same for my mother. The opposite is true for my legal parents, Holy and Sadao. 

Giorno: That makes a bit of sense, our birth father and your legal mom feel like real parents, while our birth mom and your legal dad don't.

Joseph: Exactly. Anyway, we still need to get to the hotel. Here's the money by the way. Oh, and the way we got in the car is I used my Stand to Stop Time. We'll explain what Stands are on the way to the hotel.

[Time Skip]

Joseph: So that's what Stands are. Just curious, what are you hoping to do with your life?

Giorno: I'm hoping to take over the local mafia to stop the sale of drugs.

Joseph: That's nice. Koichi's a UA hero course 2nd year, while I'm going to UA's hero course next year. 

Giorno: Are you not going to try to arrest me?

Joseph: Not only are we not able to for multiple reasons, but I've also gotten on good terms with the Hero Killer so your dream isn't that bizarre. My Gramps, or our biological nephew, also worked alongside Nazis fighting against four Mexicans so this isn't that weird.

 My Gramps, or our biological nephew, also worked alongside Nazis fighting against four Mexicans so this isn't that weird

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Giorno: This family is very strange.

Koichi: That's the understatement of the century.

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