Prologue 4: Getting out of Egypt

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Brandon POV:

Brandon: Because of me, everyone's alive. If you wish to know how to ask Jotaro, I'm too tired to explain again. (A/N: Me too)

[Time Skip to when everyone -Sans Brandon- is together]

Avdol: So what are we doing with Brandon? He doesn't have anywhere to go anymore.

Polnareff: Isn't he DIO's son or something? Shouldn't we be worried about what he might do for food?

Joseph: Yeah, and while he's nice, due to him being a Vampire someone has to watch over him. Jotaro, because you're the one with experience with killing Vampires with Stands, you should be strong enough to just wrestle him down till you get blood if he goes haywire.

Kakyoin: Since he has a close-range Stand, I also believe he would be best with Jotaro, perhaps in the library with all the books? He does have the coffin with a cart to pull it around.

Jotaro: And with the fact that it's the same type of coffin as DIO's old one, where it's very blast-proof and is locked from the inside. This means he has a very stable shelter for moving during the daytime. Didn't he also put in an openable hatch with a pipe to pour blood in to feed? That means if we go on the plane, I just need special permission with the understanding of the pilots and attendants to go in the storage hold and feed him because I do believe they won't let us put a coffin in a seat. If they do let us have it at the seats though, it'll be a piece of cake feeding him.

Joseph: Before I forget, Jotaro, when we get back to Japan I'm having you transfer to UA's hero course as I believe everyone here can agree you would make a great pro-hero. Not the one people immediately like, but one people will want to be able to rely on. If you have a second career you want, you're in luck as people can now accept pros getting certain jobs, as long as it isn't just a way for them to get richer.

Jotaro: Fine Old Man, I'll do it. Both so you'll stop bugging me, and as training in hand-to-hand combat if Star Platinum has his hands full.

[Time Skip]

Jotaro: Hey Brandon, *knock* you awake in there? You're going to be living with me and my mother from now on, got it?

(Will be muffled until otherwise stated)Brandon: Yes Jotaro, I got it. I will be living with you. By the way, how are we getting to Japan?

Jotaro: We're hoping we can explain that you have to stay in the coffin out of the Sun. If they don't allow that, then we're putting you in a body bag in the chair.

[I don't know how to write a plane flight interestingly. There weren't any Stand Users besides the five, so I don't see the point.]

Brandon: That was very sickening getting tossed around a little by the plane in this body bag.

Kakyoin: I don't doubt that, as we went into some rough turbulence halfway through, but we're finally back in Japan!

Joseph: We have to see Holly, I hope she's doing alright!

Jotaro: Good Greif Old Man, slow down.

Joseph: How can you say that you haven't seen your mother in almost 50 days?

Brandon: He's saying that because he has to drag my coffin car along, and it's pretty heavy. The last one took four men to even move it.

Joseph: OH, sorry, let me help pull.

Jotaro and Brandon: Please do assist you old man.

Joseph: Hey I'm not old.

Brandon: Yeah you are, you're hair is gray from the natural brown it was, and your wrinkles are visible from 5 meters away.

Joseph: That's rude. =(

[Time Skip]

The Joestars have arrived at Jotaro's house.

Joseph: Holly, where are you?

Holly: I'm over here Papa, and I'm over the sickness. It wasn't anything too severe and I got over it. What's in that box over there Jotaro?

Jotaro: It's a new kid. He probably needs to get his name legally changed, and I don't just mean his last. His name is currently Brandon Brando, which is the ultimate dad joke of a name DIO could have done.

Brandon: Take me to the biggest dark room so I can move around, I've been in here for 18 hours!

Avdol: I'll take him to the library. There we can plan what to do next, and you guys can stay there and discuss possible new names. Mr. Joestar, as you have the most experience with how much light is too much, you should help me with Brandon.

[Exit Brandon, Joseph, and Avdol]

Holly: How do you think we should come up with a new name? I feel like he might like the nickname, JoJo, as people like to call you.

Jotaro: It's almost like a family habit for the men in the family to have the nickname JoJo, we had Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Me Jotaro Kujo, and now whatever he gets Kujo (Joseph Kujo). (A/N: Jotaro, you forgot Josuke Higashikata, but you don't know of him. )

Holly: I think Joseph Kujo fits him, he diffidently is somewhat as playful as Papa, and in most of the same ways.

Jotaro: That will be interesting with both of the Josephs together, but because he's started calling him Old Man that name will have to stick *smirks*

Joseph: OH MY GOD! Brandon has the map of some corpse hidden across America!

A/N: I am integrating the Saint's Corpse, and explaining how. As Funny Valentine said, "There is only one (universe/timeline) that contains the Saint's Corpse." That could have simply been what it might as well have been, one timeline with the Holy Corpse, but Jesus is in all of them. Does that mean that the fate of Christ's body in all timelines Funny Valentine can exist in following the path of Jesus in the Book of Mormon, or is D4C coming from the Saints Corpse, only able to go to copies lacking the Saint's Corpse? I am personally going with the option of D4C having a "limit" to the timelines it can travel.

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