#19.0.1: Stone Letters (Unfinished)

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Izuku POV:

Izuku was wondering when the letter from Joseph would arrive, but right before he left for school his mom called him.

"Izuku! The letter from Joseph you were waiting for is here. "

Izuku: "Coming!" Izuku read the back of the letter. 'So Joseph wants the teacher to read this to the class. It probably has something for all of the class to hear. They aren't around much, but it's nice they at least try to communicate with the class.'

[Time Skip]

Izuku: "Excuse me, Teacher, Joseph has a letter he wants you to read to the class."

Teacher: Probably has some inspirational message for them. Alright, I'll read it.

[Time Skip]

"Alright class, so, Joseph sent a letter from his trip to Italy. He asked for me to read it to all of you after he sent it to Midoriya. Here's what it says, "Hello Children. I hope you're all having fun in the safety of your home. I nearly died from a guy who can make a fungus that destroys any organic flesh moving downwards. A single misstep could have ended my life in mere seconds. Have a good day you weaklings. PS: After five minutes say, 'Your next line is you can't get into UA through studying Deku!'" That was it."

A few students replied after hearing the letter. "How dare he?" "He's not wrong if that happened." "I don't believe that happened."

"Anyways, as you guys are in your 3rd year you should begin thinking of careers, but I know you all want to be heroes! I see that Bakugo's thinking of going to UA." 

"No way! Doesn't that school have a 0.2% acceptance rate?"

"I aced all the mock tests, none of you extras would even make D-Rank Heroes!" Yelled Bakugo.

"Oh yeah, didn't Midoriya want to get into UA? Also, the letter said to say in five minutes, 'Your next line is you can't get into UA by studying Deku!'"

Bakugo: You can't get into UA by studying Deku! What? Did he predict my line from a continent away, and through the mail?

Teacher: Oh, there was another PS note! It says, "Yes Bakugo, he can get in with studying. He can go into General Education and then steal the spotlight even more than by just going straight to the Hero Course. He can get into the Hero Course by winning the UA Sports Festival." Here's the note if you don't believe me.

Bakugo: What the hell? It says that!

Midoriya: I have ways to get into the Hero Course, and according to Mr. Joestar my notebooks are my best tool.

Currently, in Italy, Joseph has just been given the Requiem Arrow by Giorno.

Joseph POV:

Joseph: Well, if I'll keep the Requiem Arrow safe. I hope you have a good time in the turtle Polnareff. 

Polnareff: I will try to have the best time I can have here. It was nice to meet you Koichi. Tell Jotaro I said Hi!

Koichi: I will!

Joseph: What are we doing with Risotto Nero by the way? I realize Narancia is going with the rest of the group, but Risotto's group is dead. 

Giorno: He's probably going to be in the assassin group still, but he's diffidently happier with me as the boss than Diavolo. I'll make sure to try to accept some of his requests.

Joseph: Too bad Abbacchio and Bucciarati died. I sort of wonder what would happen if they were alive. I hope you have a good time stopping the sale of drugs.

Giorno: It diffidently will be a grind, but the result will be worth it. See you!

[Time Skip]

Calamitas: So, how's everything going Jolly Wally?

Jolly Wally: Everything's going fine. (Izuku) Just curious, was the person you described a real person?

Calamitas: Oh yeah, his Stand was pretty annoying.

"That explains why you couldn't explain it more."

"I came here to discuss vigilante work," Calamitas stated. "However, I believe it's necessary for you all to take a temporary break. In order to prepare for UA, you need to get more sleep and exercise regularly. Wally, this is especially important for you as you are aiming for the Hero Course. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir!"

"Don't call me sir, you know I haven't gotten to high school either. While you're working on your bodies, I'm going to work on Calamity."

"Would you mind explaining what this "Calamity" you mentioned is?" Asked someone from the shadows. "And why are you kids acting as vigilantes?"

"I'm surprised you decided to visit Stain! The thing I mentioned called Calamity isn't anything to worry about. It's just an inhumanly-late-blooming Quirk. They are vigilantes because one of them is either Quirkless, or also an inhumanly-late-bloomer, and they're both hoping to eventually help the Heroes directly."

This got a confused reaction from Stain, but he continued to listen.

"I'm a vigilante because, don't tell anyone, I'm a genuine Vampire. It has nothing to do with Quirks. My Father was a Vampire born on April 10th, 1867. He was originally a Human but rejected his humanity at 21. I too was born a human, but then the Number One villain All for One chopped my head off when I was two years old. That forced my father to turn me into a Vampire to live."

"So, what myths about Vampires are true? Is there some unholy ritual?"

"The only true weakness for vampires is the sun, but with a Holy Saint's Corpse, that can be removed. The Stone Mask is the key to becoming a vampire, but it's just a myth that you have to destroy their heart or use silver. If you find a Stone Mask with Vampire Fangs, bring it to me, the Speedwagon Foundation, or Dr. Jotaro Kujo, who works with the Supernatural branch of the Foundation."

Stain then left him not wanting to get anything more disturbing put into his mind.

"I just want to know Calamitas, is there any other reason for you being so chill around Stain? I know he won't attack me, but I still have my fight-or-flight instincts trying to kick in."

"He only attacks Heroes he believes are fakes or those who try their hardest to provoke Stain, like Angry Hero Students whose favorite Hero was attacked by Stain. When you know why Stain attacks people, he's just me with many extra swords and classified as a Villain. In other words, he shouldn't ever seek you out for the purpose of killing you."

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