Chapter 6: Near Death

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"This!!" Boss yanks me away from the claw of a spider-like monster, about to strike me.

. . .

"Is!" I dodge out of the way from a tentacle about to hit me, barely missing.

. . .

"Getting!" I dive out of the way from a blade-like fan, similar to Boss's.

. . .

"OoOoLd!!!" I dodge a fist, falling back before Boss catches me.

Boss pulls me into his chest as he deals the last blow to the monster. I clutch the fabrics of his hanbok, keeping myself from getting blown away from the wind he created.

Once the air settles we let each other go, pulling away from one another.

"You've gotten good at dodging attacks quickly," Boss said, brushing off this hanbok and putting away his fan in his sleeve.

"Well, yeah, I'd rather not die this young..." I mumble, crossing my arms and walking out of the apartment.

"What floor is the next one?" I ask as I walk to the elevator.

"We are done for now." He replied, appearing behind me.

"Huh?" I turn to face him. The elevator doors start to close, but Boss steps forward, putting his hand on the door causing it to open again. "But there were more monsters on the upper floors"

Boss leans his head on the door, looking down at me, "I will deal with those later. For now, we are going to do something different."

Boss walks into the elevator and presses the button to the ground floor.

I look at him curiously, "What are we doing now?"

"Training you"




"If you cannot fight these monsters with me, you are not helping me."

You stare at Boss flabbergasted. "Why can't we just...I don't know, reason with the monsters or something?! I'm good at talking things out with people!"

"The types of monsters that I deal with are the ones that won't reason with anyone. Some of the monsters I deal with were born devils, filled with bad karma since they were very young. Others are those who crossed the line of no return after death or right before death. Unlike distressed ghosts, these beings are true monsters. While the others in the office deal with different levels of distressed ghosts, I protect them and everyone else from these monsters." Boss explained, holding out his hand.

I look at his hand but don't take it, "Why can't I be Joan or Hayden's partner? River seems to like this kind of thing. Plus, I don' think I can ever get near one of those things, much less f... fight it..." A shiver runs down my spine at the thought.

Boss puts his hand down, turns away, and walks, "River, although a good fighter, gets too out of hand when partnered with me. Her karma also gets worse when she gets in her killing fits, so I can't take her with me. Joan has other things that she needs to deal with and she can handle River, so both she and Eugene are paired up with the best people right now. Which leaves you and me."

I sigh, "There's no getting out of this, is there?"

"No, there is not"

I think for a little bit, "How about, we help my friend Luke with his nightmare problem?? It's really unusual that he has nightmares as bad as he is having them now, so I think it could be a monster causing them!"

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now