Chapter 18: Truth Told

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I watched as (Y/n) left the cafe. My eyes lingered on the back of her head until she completely disappeared completely.

When I looked back at the bracelet, which still sat on the table, a hand was reaching for it. I grabbed the wrist tightly before glaring at the owner.

I quickly dropped the glare when I saw Nate next to me, his arm extended to the table. My hand loosened but I didn't give up his wrist.

"Isn't this her bracelet?" He asked, curiosity lacing his voice, "You never showed it to me but it looks just like you described."

I grab the bracelet in my other hand and put it away before I let go of his wrist. He rubbed it a bit before straightening up and sitting in the seat across from me.

"Tell me something. Is she the one you've been searching for? I mean, after all those years in college together you've never spared any girls a glance. Even when they were practically falling to your feet you simply ignored them. But with (Y/n) you almost seem alive." His stare was intense as he searched for any sort of answer to his suspicions.

I put my hand over the pocket where the bracelet sat and looked at my lap. He wasn't wrong but I wouldn't admit it. If I admitted it, the walls I created when I confirmed it was her would crumble. I couldn't let those walls crumble, not while she was still alive and so young in her current life.

I sighed and got up, "Stop flirting with (Y/n). She's way too young for you." That's all I said before walking out of the shop and misting away.

The mist cleared and I stood in (Y/n)'s apartment. The bedroom door was open to show Eugene, next to his unconscious sister's body, fighting the sleep trying to overtake him. I set the bracelet on a piece of furniture in the living room, allowing it to materialize before leaving. Hopefully, she would reconsider and wear it.

I return to the office and settle in a corner. River was sitting upside-down on the roof while talking with the others. She was the first to notice me, "Mr. Bossman is back! You have fun on your date?" She asked, her smile mischievous.

"It was not a date. I simply had to use a different method than I use on you to get her to listen to me." I replied, avoiding Joan's eyes. She reminded me so much of my first grandmother and I ahted it cause she knew it too.

"River go do your tasks before it gets too late. And take Hayden with you." Joan interjected.

River opened her mouth to argue but just groaned and took Hayden by the arm, dragging him out with her.

There was a thick silence in the air.

"I can see it in your eyes." She stated, catching me off guard.

"See what? There is nothing to see. They are pure white." I retorted, walking to the cubical she sat at, leaning against the cubical wall.

Joan lightly shook her head, "We all have someone like that in our lives, even as we pass into the underworld. Don't call me a fool by acting as if I'm wrong."

I look to the side and furrow my brows, "I refuse to do or reveal anything to her until she dies. She doesn't need that on her conscience right now."

Joan huffed and turned to walk out, "If you truly feel that way, stop being bipolar around her. Treat her like you treat her brother."

With that she walked out. I let out a breath I was holding and slumped to the floor.

I run a hand through my hair as I try and push back the memories of her. I take out my fan and stare at the little charm hanging from it.

It was paired with the bracelet, handmade from a red thread.

"レ乇イ'丂 ムの イん乇尺乇!" Her smile lit up as we approached the festival. I smiled as I followed, knowing I had done good.

We went to a small booth filled with many different colored threads. She scanned her options as the seller greeted us, "W乇レᄃのᄊ乇, W乇レᄃのᄊ乇. ノ Wム丂刀'イ ムWム尺乇 丂ひᄃん ム アのW乇尺キひレ ᄊム刀 Wのひレり √ノ丂ノイ ᄊリ 乃ののイん."

"ᄊムリ ノ んム√乇 丂のᄊ乇 尺乇り イん尺乇ムり アレ乇ム丂乇? 乇刀のひムん キの尺 イん尺乇乇 乃尺ムᄃ乇レ乇イ丂!" My love said excitedly.

I took out some coins to pay the seller as he gathered the material for her. He smiled brightly as he took my payment and thanked us as we continued on.

Later that night, I woke up in our room, spotting her sitting at the desk, still hard at work.

Glancing out the window I could tell it was very early in the morning. "レの√乇, ᄃのᄊ乇 イの 乃乇り. リのひ ᄃム刀 Wの尺ズ の刀 ノイ ノ刀 イん乇 ᄊの尺刀ノ刀ム." I say as I walked behind her, gently placing my hand on her shoulder.

She looks up at me, and smiles as she lifts two projects up from the table.

The red string we had bought transformed into a bracelet and a charm that hung from a fan.

"ノ'√乇 フひ丂イ キノ刀ノ丂ん乇り. ん乇尺乇." She said as she gave me the fan.
"刀のW W乇 Wノレレ キノ刀り 乇ムᄃん のイん乇尺 乇ム丂ノレリ ムキイ乇尺 り乇ムイん"

I lifted an eyebrow and chuckled, "ノ丂 イんムイ 丂の?" Even if I was skeptical about thelegitimacy of her practices, I respected them and never doubted her. She was a Mudang after all.

She nods happily and holds my hand, "フひ丂イ ズ乇乇ア イんノ丂 キム刀 W ノイん リのひ ム刀り W 乇 W ノレレ ムレ W ムリ丂 乃乇 ᄃの刀刀乇ᄃイ乇り."

A warm smile adorns my face as I grab the bracelet and tighten it around her wrist.

"レ乇イ'丂 ムの イの 乃乇り." She says as she grabs my hand and pulls me to our shared bed.

I put my fan away and got up from the floor. The best thing I could to right now is keep her safe by doing my job. So that's exactly what I'll do.

I walked out of the office and misted off into the night. There have been rumors of more monsters appearing in the eastern part of the city.

When the mist cleared the city was void of monsters. I look around frustrated and confused as I look
everywhere for any sort of indication that anything was lingering in the dark.

Suddenly, I realize the reality of the situation. The only reason this happens is because they wanted to lure me away from the actual point of attack. "I hate those damned shapeshifters." I growl to no one in particular before quickly went the way I came.

"River!" I shouted into the night. In a flash she was running beside me.

"What's up Boss?" She asked

"Gather the others and meet me in the central part of the city. Those damn shapeshifters are at it again!" I say, not bothering to hide the urgency in my voice. I didn't want any more good souls to go missing.

"That's where Hayden and Sean are!" Her voice filled with concern.

I grunt as I way different tactics in my head, "Alright, I will get those two, you get the others and start without me."

River nodded and sped off.

I take a deep breath and pull out my fan, "Grant me luck one more time, my love." I whispered and lightly kissed the charm before misting off.

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now