Chapter 14: Wilted Flower

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It was weird being in class without having plans afterward. It's been a week since the conversation with Boss and I haven't seen any of the ghosts since then. Eugene seemed to be getting busier and busier with the ghosts since my injury. He wouldn't even walk me home from school anymore since he would just rush off to the station. Today was no different.

I lied about needing to use the restroom a couple of minutes before school ended and made sure I got to the gate before anyone else. After playing a game on my phone for a couple of minutes kids started pouring out of the front doors. 

I put my phone away and search for Eugene, sometimes standing on my tippy-toes to see better. 

"(Y/n)?" I hear Luke ask as he jogs up to me. I give a small wave in his general direction, still looking for my brother.

"What are you doing here?" He asks as he joins me looking through the flow of students, not really knowing what he was looking for. 

"I'm waiting for Eugene..." I manage to explain, concentrating more on spotting the shy kid.

Luke stayed silent but I could see his body turn to face me in my peripheral vision. He just stared causing me to give him a questioning look. As soon as I looked at him he spoke up, "He left at didn't know?" 

I stared at him a little stunned, "What?" I ask in disbelief. I let out a huff as I march off, hearing Luke follow.

"What's wrong?" He asks, dodging people as he keeps up with my pace.

"This is getting out of hand. First he leaves after walking me home, then after school ends, and now before it ends?" I scoff.

"Whoah, hey, he said it was an emergency. Calm down before you know the whole situation."

"You seem to know the situation, care to tell?"

"I don't, I promise," He replies, putting his hands up, "I just don't want you to blow up on him for nothing."

I stop and sigh, causing the male to stumble to a stop next to me, "Fine, I'll calm down and then talk to him..." I say, crossing my arms and looking at him, "Don't you have work today? Do you have time to be chasing me around?"

Luke perks up and his face slightly flushed, "Right, I'll get going now. Get home safe (Y/n)." He says and quickly leaves. 

I watch him go before turning and heading to the park. 

It was weirdly empty, no siblings in sight. I stare at the playhouse for a second before climbing up the rock wall and sit at the top of one of the slides. 

I take the guardian flower out of my hair and slowly twirled it in my hands. I started keeping it in my hair or in my pocket since the night I couldn't sleep. I didn't really know why but every time I went to leave the house, my gut told me to take it with me. 

As I looked at the flower, one of the pedals falls, the others slowly wilting before falling off as well. My eyes widen a bit before the flower stem dishevels and falls, sliding along the slide to join the fallen pedals. 

I feel something lightly run along my shoulders but when I turn around I'm met by an empty space. Before I could move away from the space, I hear small footsteps running towards the playground. I look behind me and see the little boy I've become quite familiar with. 

When he spots me he starts jumping and pointing to me as he faces his sister, "Nuna is here! Nuna is here!" He repeated, his smile only growing.  His sister smiled at me and kept up with her brother as he raced up a small rope net to get to me, though she opted to take the stairs. 

Tatum runs and jumps into my arms, snuggling his face in my chest as I almost fall down the slide. Finley made her way over to my arm and gently hugged it as well. The siblings giggle as they start messing with my clothing or my hair, having fun in their own little world. 

Suddenly, Tatum looks around, climbing around me to get a 360 view, "Where's Glasses?" He asks, climbing back into my lap. 

I pat his hair and smile sadly, "He's been busy lately, I don't really know where he is." I admit.

"Is Hoodie lost?!" Finley shouts, getting close to my face before looking around the park and running along the playground to try and find him. I lightly laugh and gently grab her arm as she passes by me, causing her to stop and stare at me, "He isn't lost. He's just...playing with his friends."

Finley suddenly starts patting my head with a frown, "Flower looks sad. Don't be sad! We can play with you!" 

"I didn't know you were sad Nuna!" Tatum slightly panics, standing up on my lap and cupping my face. "Why didn't you tell me you were sad Nuna? Let's go play so you can be happy!"

"What do you guys want to play?" I ask softly, indulging in their request. It's not like I had anything better to do. 

Tatum shakes his head violently, his hands still firm on my cheeks, "Nu-Uh! Nuna gets to choose!"

"I wanna play house!" Finley says, tugging my shirt sleeve. 

"I said Nuna gets to choose! And house is for babies! Castle is way more fun!" Tatum retorts, finally letting go of my face. They then start getting into a 'yes it is'-'no it isn't' battle. I shake my head towards the two and smile at their antics. It was only when Finley went to hit Tatum that I intervened, "Finley." I said sternly as I shielded Tatum, "It's not okay to hit your brother."

Tatum hugged my arm tightly as he hid behind me from his sister. "Apologize to him." I said and moved so they were face to face. The light shade of red on Finley's face faded as she realized her actions and looked ashamed, "I..I'm sorry..."

Tatum hummed before going back to hugging me, "Tatum," I encourage, "Now it's your turn."

He turned to me slightly shocked and held onto my arm tighter, "She's the one who hit me! Why should I apologize?!" He complained shaking his head.

"You are right, but what you said about playing house wasn't too nice either." I explained, trying to reason with the young boy. He stayed quiet for a moment, before loosening hold on my arm, "I'm isn't for babies..." he mumbled into my sleeve. The apology was still loud enough to get across to his sister and she nodded. 

"How about this," I suggest, "Why don't we play house for a little bit and then we can play castle!"

The two kids brightened up at my suggestion and nodded.

"I get to be married to Nuna!" Tatum shouts, grinning and holding my hand. 

"Then what am I going to be! No! I want to be the mommy!"Finley retorts, crossing her arms with a pout. 

"I can't be married to you! Your my sister!" Tatum shouts and gags, "And I'm going to get married to Nuna in the future anyway!"

 I giggle at his response as he holds his ground, "Aren't you too young for me?" I question the boy and he shakes his head. 

"See Flower doesn't even want to marry you!" Finley proudly states. 

"I said in the future! When I'm a man I'll marry Nuna! You can be the maid!" Tatum argues back.

"Tatum," I warn. 

Finley stomps her foot, "Nuh-uh! I'm the mommy!"

Tatum glances at me before huffing, "Fine! But when we play castle You'll be the ugly witch keeping Nuna locked away! And I'll be her knight in shining armor!"

"But you're not shiny at all! And I'm not an ugly witch!" She retorted.

I sigh in my head as I try to wrack my mind for solutions. This is going to be one interesting day.

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now