Halloween Special 2023 pt.1

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There was a quiet knock on my door as it creaked open. Boss walked in with a curious smile, "Why are you all cooped up in your room?"

I turn around and hide the small project with my body, "Is Hayden around?" I ask, a little panicked.

He looks back into the living room, "He's playing video games with Eugene," he looks back at me and raises an eyebrow, "Why?"

I flail my hand, signaling him to close the door. Thankfully, he catches on.

I hold up the makeshift ghost outfit I was hand-sewing, "I'm making him something for Halloween!"

"Halloween?" He sits next to me and admires my handiwork.

I nod with a smile, "Remember the day when kids go out all dressed up and get candy?" I reference last year when we stayed in and watched scary movies while Hayden complained about wanting to go trick or treating.

His face lights up in acknowledgment, "So...this is an outfit for him?"

I confirm his thoughts and continue my work. Boss sits next to me in silence as he watches my hands work.

"Do those kids go out too?" He asks as I finish up my last couple of stitches.

"Those kids?" I muttered, trying to figure out who he was talking about.

"The one kid calls you, Nuna," he hints.

"Oh! Finley and Tatum?"

He shrugs, not knowing the kids by their names.

I nod, and he mimics me.

I giggle at his antics, "I'm not sure. They're in high school now, so it depends. When we were their age, Eugene and I had little indoor hangouts, but we never really went out with friends..." I think back on our high school years, "There was that one time that Luke took me to a Halloween party, but..." My face heats up at the embarrassing memories.

I look back at Boss, and his expression is begging me to go into more detail, but I move past it, "I could text them if you want."

Boss hesitates before shaking his head, "I'm not that curious...."

I smile and hold up my finished costume before I start having doubts about my work, "Do you think he'll like it?"

Boss smiles and puts a comforting hand on my back, "I'm sure he'll love it."

In my newfound confidence, I get up, and Boss opens the door for me, "Hayden! Do you want to go trick or treating?" I ask, holding up the costume.

Hayden's head darts in my direction and his eyes light up like little stars, "Really?!" He runs up to me in disbelief and slips on the costume, "Can Hayden really go?!"

Boss smiled and nodded, "(Y/n) and I will come with you, but yes."

Hayden started jumping around the living room, getting really excited.

"Are you two not dressing up?" Eugene asks as he glances over.

River took over Hayden's spot and started getting really into it, taking Eugene's attention away.

I look over to Boss and shrug, "We can, I have some outfits from previous years."

Boss nods, "It'd only be appropriate to."

I walk to the holiday closet and look through some of my older Halloween outfits, quickly skipping through some of the more...revealing ones that Luke has tried to get me to wear.

I stop when I come across a cute witch outfit that I never got to wear. I smile and take it out, grabbing the hat to match.

I go to my room and quickly change, putting on some cute makeup to finish off the look. I glance into my mirror and smile at the black dress with rich, dark green accents. I grab my collectible Parry Hotter wand to finish everything off before I go out of my room.

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now