Valentine's Day Special 2022

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I stood in the crowded subway, watching a digital clock above the door as it seems to drag out the time. I clutch onto my bag, making sure no one bumped into it, breaking my small creations. For the thousandth time today, I check my outfit, making sure it was nice and neat.

I finally hear the ding for the subway, squeezing my way out of the subway and onto the platform.

Like normal, no one else got off. I only got a few strange looks as the subway departed again. I check myself to make sure I still had everything I did minutes ago.

When I went to go up the stairs to the office, I started to get nervous. What if they didn’t like the chocolates? Did I have everything correctly packaged?

“(Y/n) hurry up, you’ve been standing there forever!” I hear my brother shout. When I look up, I see him in his uniform, a clipboard tucked under one arm and a little bag of chocolates in the other, “I bragged about the extra you gave me and now Hayden is complaining” He says with a smile on his face. “O-Oh, alright!” I quickly make my way over to Eugene.

We enter the office and sit on the bench, waiting for one of the ghosts to separate us.

My vision becomes dark for a second, but when it comes back I can see Hayden all giddy, right in front of me.

“Eugene told Hayden that you gave him chocolates! Can Hayden have some?!” The energetic kid asked, bouncing up and down in excitement.

His antics make me giggle as I get a few small pouches, each decorated differently. I give the pouches to Hayden, Joan, and River.

“Where’s Boss?” I ask, searching around the room.

“He said he had urgent business and left a couple of minutes before you arrived.” River explained, already devouring her chocolates.

“That boy needs to learn how to put the past in the past…” Joan grumbled, giving one of her chocolates to Hayden and eating another.

“Put the past in the past? Did something happen?” Eugene asked, leaning on the side on Joan’s desk.

“Yes…although, it’s not my place to tell.” Joan said before sighing, “If you want to find him and ask him yourself, he should be in a small ruined town to the east of the city.”

“The town that was destroyed in that one war a long time ago? The one that’s been turned into a tour place?”

Joan nodded.

I looked at Eugene in some worry. He simply nodded and said ‘be careful’ before I took off.

I took down a lot on monsters on the way there. They were stronger than usual because of the resentment for this day, but they were easily taken down anyway.

Once I reach the ruins of the town, I look around, trying to spot anything that resembled Boss. I walked around, but to no avail. I was about to go back and ask Joan if she was certain but I then saw a big oak tree in the distance. I had never seen it there when I visited here for school trips.

It was filled with lights and decorations. ‘How did I miss that?’

I scan around for boss once again before heading to the big oak tree.

It was quite a ways away and by the time I got there it was noon. The tree was bigger then imagined. It was in the middle of a lake and a wooden bridge led to the trunk. All of the branches were beautifully covered in fairy lights and banners.

I go to the bridge, seeing sakura petals on in and in the water around it. Once I got closer I saw a figure, standing at the base of the oak tree.

“Boss?” I softly called out, slowing my steps as I got closer. Boss turns around, an unreadable expression on his face.

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now