Chapter 11: Flowers

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"Is that really all the advice I could get? treat him like a crush?!" I grumble as I make my way back home. "Maybe I should have tried to get more out of her...or maybe I just need new friends."

As soon as I walked into the apartment, I was knocked out of my body. I groan and turn around, "What do you want? I'm busy."

Boss raises his eyebrow at me with an amused look on his face. "You will be working with River or Joann now, your pick." He stated, "Also, River and Eugene want to see you."

I look back and forth between my body and the ghost, feeling sorry for my face as it kissed the ground. 

Boss held out his hand, the mist surrounding him. I hesitantly looked at his extended hand. With a big sigh, I took his hand and let myself be pulled against his chest. 

The mist covered us for a couple of minutes until we made it to a small flower shop where River, Eugene, and Hayden were. Boss let go of me, letting me make my way out of his mist. 

"I'm sorry about everything that's happened." 

I turn around to look at him but he was already gone. Before I could think more about it, Hayden cheered, "(Y/n)'s here! (Y/n)'s here!"

River turned her body to look at me with a hand on her hip and a smile adorning his face. Eugene seemed more worried that I was out of the apartment.  "W-What are you doing out?"

"I thought you wanted to see me?" I asked, my head tilting to the side. 

"I was going to go back home though..."

I smiled and waved off his worries, "Well I'm here now and I'm feeling fine, so don't worry so much." 

Eugene hesitated before nodding.

River walked to me as Eugene and Hayden started talking to a ghost handing out flowers. 

"You've been through a lot kiddo, how are you feeling?" She asked standing next to me and keeping an eye on the boys. 

"What happened to freshie?" I ask noticing the change in nickname.

She chuckled, "With everything that's been going on, you aren't really fresh anymore."

I looked at her trying to decipher her words, "I don't know whether to take that as an insult or not."

"It's not" She laughed, "You just aren't so new here anymore."

I nod in understanding, smiling at her logic. It was silent after that. The tension in the air obviously growing. 

River was the one who willingly explained the spell...maybe it would be better to ask her first...I open my mouth to speak but close it as I try to figure out how to put my words. 

I take a deep breath before opening my mouth again, "Hey River?" She hummed in response, allowing me to continue, "Have you ever...I don't know...been to dark room? With no doors or windows...and a big guy on a chair in the middle of it?"

"A big guy on a chair?" She parrots before looking up in thought. Suddenly her body stiffens and her relaxed face turns more nervous. "I might of...why do you ask?"

"Oh! Uhm...I had a...a seemed pretty real though so I thought I'd ask about it..." I fibbed looking to my feet. 

"That's the place Hayden was judged!" Hayden said excitingly, appearing in front of the two of you. 

"Judged?" I asked as my brows furrowed. 

River sighed from beside me and shooed Hayden away, "You're probably talking about the gateway to the afterlife. Well, the afterlife or the underworld." River paused to look at me before continuing, "It's where ghosts go to see how much debt they have. did see things..." She said, seeing right through my fib. 

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now