Chapter 8: A Day Off

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The next morning, I refused to get up.

"(Y/N)! GET! UP!!" Eugene shouted at me while holding my ankles and attempting to pull me off of my bed as I clung to the wooden framing.

"Let goooo!" I cried out, shoving my face under my blanket.

There was a silent groan from Eugene before he stopped pulling, "fine." He said as he dropped my ankles, causing my knees to smack the floor, "I guess Luke will get these concert tickets for this weekend."

I went silent, processing the information I just heard. I poke my head out from under the blanket and squint at my brother, "Concert tickets for who?" I asked slowly and suspiciously.

"That boy band that you're obsessed with"

"Does this 'boy band' have a name?"

"Uhhh, (f/b) or something?"

I sprang out of my bed, "You got (F/B) CONCERT TICKETS?!?!?!? How??? They were so expensive and basically sold out on the first day of sales!!!"

Eugene smugly held two concert tickets in his hand and waved them around. "The concert is on the same day as your birthday." He stated, tilting his head to the side, "What better present is there than to get pit seats to your favorite band's concert on the day of your birthday."

I dashed over to him and snatched the tickets from his hand, but before I could get a good grasp on them he held them above my reach.

"H-Hey!! I need to check if they're real!! For all I know you could be faking!" I sobbed at the thought as I did everything I could to take the tickets from him, failing every time.

He ended up jumping and putting the tickets on top of the closet.

Somewhere even he struggled to reach.

He casually walked out of the room as I stared dumbfounded at the top of the closet.

After a couple of seconds, I could hear the rustling of pots and pans in the kitchen. That's when I desperately looked around for anything moveable that would give me extra height. I moved my small cushioned stool from my vanity and pushed it up against the closet, stacking multiple pillows on top of it.

I shakenly stood on top of it, wobbling and almost falling off a couple of times. Elevating myself higher with my feet was a big mistake. I felt the edge of a ticket. Getting excited, I hopped a little in order to reach it.
I didn't reach it.

I fell.

After a second of laying defeated on the ground, I sat up, rubbing the back of my head. I look around my feet, pillows scattered around and on them. When trying to kick them away, the ghost apparition of my foot went through the pillows instead.

I stare at it surprised for a second before looking up and seeing a dark mist.

"Was...Was Boss watching me?!?!?! What the heck?!!?" I looked at my hands seeing my ghost form.

"Crap, did I die or something??"

I look behind me to see my unconscious body lying under me. "It...looks like I'm breathing..." I mumble to myself as I lean closer to my face.

I look around the room before returning to my living body.

It took a couple of seconds, but when I got up this time, I was back. I sigh and look up to the closet.

I lay back down on the floor and stare up at the ceiling.

"(Y/n)! Come eat breakfast!" Eugene called from the other room.

Glaring at the door, I get up, again, and drag myself to the kitchen. When I went through my doorway, I felt a chill run down my spine. This made me pause for a split second before hurrying to the breakfast table.

Eugene sat next to me, setting his plate down as well.

We quietly ate until I spoke up, " know those theories about ghosts?"

"uhh..." Eugene raised an eyebrow and swallowed his food, "Be more specific?"

"You know, the chill when you walk through them, the apparitions in the mirrors, the orb things in pictures?"

"Oh," Eugene nodded as he chewed another bite of food.

"You think those things are true? I mean, we know that ghosts and demons exist now..."

He just shrugged his shoulders, continuing to eat his food. I was about to tell him what I experienced a couple of minutes ago, but shut my mouth and ate the rest of my breakfast quickly.

Finishing my breakfast before Eugene, I put my dishes in the sink and ran to our room to change and get ready for school.

I sat between Luke and Eugene on the subway. Luke seemed well-rested as he was talking about the drama happening in the sports teams. Apparently, three guys liked this one girl, but the girl liked a completely different guy, so the three guys were going to jump the other guy? I don't know, it's complicated.

Though I was happy to listen to the story as Eugene slept on my shoulder. Idiot, if he had gotten some sleep he wouldn't be like this.

"Oh yeah, isn't (F/b) coming to town soon?" Luke asked.

"U-Uh, y-yeah! Eugene got us tickets but I have a feeling they're fake. He doesn't like loud crowds like that anyway, so I'd feel bad dragging him along if they are real."

Luke smiles and nods. His hand is suddenly pulled away forcing him to let go of the ticket. We both look at his arm surprised.

"Haha, you didn't have to be so dramatic" I giggle, but when I look at him he seemed really freaked out.

"Something pulled it away..."

"That's impossible haha, there's no one who could have pulled your arm like that without me seeing it."

As Luke looked at his arm, I started to get freaked out.

I sprang up from my bed. I looked around the room as I tried to calm my rapid breathing.

It was like the entire world had gone grayscale.

"Was that a dream....?"

I carefully take off my covers and stand from my bed.

"But if that was a dream...what is this...?"

I was definitely in my room. I look at the door, hesitating before walking to it and walking outside.

A bright light blinded me when I stepped out of the room. As my eyes got adjusted to the new lighting, a strong gust of wind came from behind me. I stumbled to the side and looked behind me. "...Boss?"

There was a quickly moving wall right in front of me. My hair went crazy from the wind created by it. I quickly realized the moving wall was a train.

A bright light came from my left. My eyes widened as I stubbled back in a panic to get away from the train that was about to hit me.

There was another light, this time from my right side. I barely had enough time to pick myself up and get out of its way before a new light appeared.

Realizing the pattern, I started to run, weaving right and left to avoid the trains. My breath was ragged and the train tracks seemed to appear in front of me as I ran.

Even though the muscles in my legs begged for a break and my throat begged for water, I kept running, barely missing each passing train.

One train created a wind gust that threw me off balance. Because of that, I tripped over a new train track, crashing into the ground. I tried to get up but my legs gave out.

I saw another light, getting brighter and brighter as it came my way.

I shut my eyes tightly and waited for the impact.

But there was none.

The sounds of birds singing, a flowing river, and a calm breeze filled my ears. I fluttered my eyes open as I, once again, got adjusted to the light. The colors were beautiful and vibrant.

As I look up I can see the bamboo stocks that surrounded me rising into the pink and orange hues of the sky.

I felt my face, trying to feel for any wounds that I might have gotten. There was nothing.

I stand up, looking through the bamboo forest for any sign of civilization or indication of where I am.

I walk up to a bamboo stock and touch it. My hand goes right through it and I stumble forward.

I stare at my hand shocked. I wasn't in my ghost form, so what was going on?

I look back to the spot I was laying in, just in case my body was there. Instead of my body, there was a beautiful girl laying there. She had on a beautiful blue and pink hanbok. Jewels and accessories decorated her hair and complimented her outfit. She had silky long black hair that was done half up and half down.

I stepped closer to her, admiring the beauty she held. Soon I noticed the dark stain on the pink part of her hanbok. The colors were similar but not the same, one noticeably darker and richer.


The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now