Halloween Special 2023 pt.2

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Hayden trotted up the stairs with my reluctantly following behind. The house seemed to morph and cover more of my perifrials as I got closer to it. Tatum and Finley lightly shoved each other, wanting to get to the candy first.

I felt a hand on the small of my waist, making me violently flinch. Boss looks at me worried and with a bit amused. I frowned at his expression, "This isn't funny."

"I never said it was."

I sigh and look back at the house, "Something feels off"

"I'm glad you can still sense things even though you are not currently a ghost." He smiled like he was proud of something.

I nudged him with my arm, "I'm being serious...are you sure nothing will happen? It's not dangerous."

Boss softly smiles, "When have I ever let you be in danger?"

I deadpan. This boy did not just ask me that.

Before I can respond, he chuckles, "Okay, okay. But still, nothing bad is lurking here, trust me."

I hum before glancing back at the kids. "Damn, it's only candy this year" Finley grumbles, wanting the haunted house experience.

Hayden went to grab a candy bar before the door opened and dragged him in. Of course, he just giggled at this while the rest of us started to panic.

Tatum quickly busted down the doors and we were met with a long dark hallway with creepy portraits and creaky stairs. I can see the lump in Tatum's throat as he hesitantly steps inside.

I glance at Boss before we join Tatum and his sister. When we get inside, the ground gives out causing us to fall. I close my eyes and shield my body the best I can to break my fall. When I opened my eyes, I saw Tatum getting up but Boss and Finley were nowhere to be found.

"T-Tatum...where's your sister...?" I ask as I scoot closer to him. He seems shaken just like I am. "She...was just here...Finley?" he called out.

We continued to look around but there was nobody around. I spotted a doorway and grabbed onto Tatum's sleeve, "Tatum...I think...this is the way out..."

Tatum turns to the doorway and takes a shaky breath. He looks up before agreeing with me. He offers me a trembling hand and I take it before we make our way into the foggy entrance. 

There was barely any light fog everywhere. Eventually, we got to the point where we couldn't see the doorway anymore. It seemed like we were walking in between two narrow fences that were broken in some places, causing us to almost get cut by the barb multiple times. 

I wrapped my hands around him, giving him a sort of side hug while he kept me in place so that we could become as small as possible. The hall started to become darker and more foggy. I could feel the rapid beating of my heart as I prayed to make it out of this never-ending path.

We both froze and stared at each other in shock when we heard the sound of something rustling in the bushes not far from where we were. Tatum squinted into the fog, trying to see if anything indicated that we were outside. 

Something suddenly appeared before us, smashing into the fence and growling at us. Both of us screamed and backed away to the other side of the narrow hall. In the corner of my eye, I saw another figure changing from behind. 

"TATUM!" I shouted before dragging him into a run. I didn't know if we were backtracking or not, I could only hope for the best. "What's happening?" I asked as I started to cry. Following after us were the footsteps of the figures that crashed into the fences. In the distance, there was a manic laugh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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