Chapter 12: Tension

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When Boss brought us back home, he stayed in our room talking with Eugene while I went to get back into my body and get a midnight snack.

After a little bit, I heard Eugene talking to himself. I guess he's gone. After putting away all the ingredients I used for my snack, a face appeared near me. I fell back when I saw it but after staring at it for a little bit it talked, "I wanna talk."

I let out a sigh of relief when I realize it's just Boss but quickly become nervous and uncomfortable with his current 'form'. I get up from the floor and rub the slightly sore spot on my butt, "G..Go away. There's no way I'm going to talk to you when you're like that..." I say, creeped out by the horror-esk face in front of me.

He frowned before disappearing. I stand there for a second before going back to my snack. I look at it but lose my appetite as I think of what I just saw. Sad that I can't eat what I just made, I put the food in the fridge and make my way to the room.

Maybe if I just go to bed he'll leave...I thought as I spot the flowers on the desk. I sit on my bed and sigh as I put my head in my hands. He saved my life...I'll have to talk to him eventually...

A groan left my lips as I took one of the white flowers and lay down. I contemplated for a bit but in the end, I sighed and bit the flower. Let's get this over with.

When I get back up, I see Boss leaning against the doorway. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with him so I just looked at my hands.

Without a word he made his way over to me, crouching down in front of me.

He let out a small breath and cleared his throat, "How are you feeling?"

The question make my eyes snap up to him, surprised he didn't ask me about what I saw. "Don't you want to know what I saw?" I asked, stuttering on my words.

He gently shakes his head, all the while maintaining eye contact with me. I swear I saw worry in his the pure white eyes.

"Oh..." My voice was quiet as I looked back down, this time my attention focused on his hands. He played with his fingers, a nervous habit I've seen at school once or twice.

"I guess I still have to repay my debt...and I can't do that if I'm hurt..." my voice stayed a whisper I could barely hear myself.

His hands seporate, "No...that's not..." His right hand lifts slightly before freezing and clenches into a fist before going back.

He stayed silent before sighing and standing up. My eyes followed his hands which crossed over his chest.

"Alright then, what did you see?" He asked.

I stayed silent, looking up at his eyes, "I liked the other question better..."

"Just answer one of the questions" he grumbled and clicked his tongue.

I hummed as I brought my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. "I'm feeling alright. A couple bruises here and there and the scars, but nothing major hurts."

Boss nods his head, his slightly frustrated expression softening.

"Thank you. I heard about what you did to save my life...." I continue, my body relaxing as I starts fidgiting with the end of my pajama shirt, "I'm guessing I'll have to work for you a lot more..."

" true, but for now focus on recovering. Even if you feel brand new tomorrow, I won't let you help out until I deem you fit." He responds.

I nod.

After a pause, Boss asks, "Have you chosen yet?"


"I told you earlier that you would be working with either River or Joan. Have you chosen who to work with?"

"Oh...uh, no...not yet"

He simply nods his head.

I put down my legs and scoot over, patting the side next to me as Boss shifts his weight. He takes the offer and sits down on my bed, leaving about 2 feet of space between us.

"What about the second question?" He asks.


We stare out the window or at Eugene's back as we sat there in silence.

My logic and emotions were fighting in this silence. While logically, it shouldn't be weird asking him my questions since he brought it up first, every time I went to ask my heart would race and my voice wouldn't come out.

The nervousness would spread throughout my body. It really had been like I was confessing to my crush. I remember these feelings from right before I got rejected by Luke. That rejection caused me to not be able to ever confess to anyone else.

Just do it.

It'll be fine.

The worst he can do is ignore you. You can go back to everyday life then.

That thought made me freeze. A shiver ran up my spine as my hands gripped the sheets on my bed.

The thought of him leaving my life botherd me for some reason. The ghosts had already become such a significant part of it that it was difficult to picture life without them in it.

Without him in it.

The two questions I wanted to desperately ask flooded my brain. They were both about his life before, memories that he hopelessly tried to forget. If I asked he would surely not want to see me again....or would he explain?

Boss started saying something but I couldn't register a single word through my worries. Panic rises in me as he stands up and the mist starts to flow around him.

He's leaving.

I shut my eyes as tightly as possible and gathered all of my strength and shouted the first thing on my mind, hopefully stopping him from leaving, "WHO WAS THE GIRL?!"

I freeze as my eyes snap wide open. I didn't mean to ask that. I messed up.

Hesitantly I look up to where Boss would be standing, and he stood there, his back toward me, completely silent. The mist around him completely disappeared.

My knuckles turn white from the force I'm holding the sheets with as he stands there, not moving an inch.

I really messed up.

Desperately, I force my voice out, "I-Im sorry....I didnt-"

He chuckles, cutting me off.

My eyes go wider if that's even possible. Sure it was a chuckle but it wasn't like his normal chuckles, it sounded...broken?

"Of course you saw that...." He whispers, his head dropping. He then slightly turns his head, his expression masking his feelings, albeit not that well. His voice becomes much more clear, "What girl?"

I hesitated, looking down as my hands relaxed, "the girl....from the forest..."

Boss sat back down sighing. He rests his elbows on his knees before using his hands to shield his eyes from my view.

After a couple of seconds he moves his hand to push back his bangs and they fall back on his head as his hands glide down the sides of his face.

"You're stressed...." I thought to myself. At least I thought I said it in my head.

He pauses his actions and, like before, I can feel his eyes on me. The tilt of his head and hurt in his eyes giving it away.

He shifted and in an instant I was wrapped in his embrace, unable to move as his arms trapped mine to my sides. I could feel his bangs on the back of my shoulder as his head rested in-between my neck and shoulder. His lips lightly brushed against my skin as he tightened his hold.

I sat there frozen...just who was she to make him act like this....

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now