Chapter 7: Daydreams

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I sigh as I sluggishly make my way to the elevator.

" so much more exhausting than before..." I mutter under my breath, sitting on the elevator floor as we start to head to the underground parking lot.

"You are doing a lot better. You even held your own against the undead necromancer." Boss said, looking down at me, arms crossed as he leans against the elevator wall.

"Correction, his minion. And you even had to save me from that! All I could do was keep one of them busy for a little while!" I sob as I slide down into a half lay.

"Alright, just one more floor and then I will take you back home." Boss holds out his hand. I take in and he yanks me off the ground before holding onto my shoulders to let me regain my balance.

"Let's just hope there's not much down there..." I say as we near the bottom floor.

When the elevator door opens everything went quiet. A huge hoard of monsters stared me down. Some started whispering to each other. If it wasn't for the disgusting, hungry looks on their faces, I would have felt famous.

Boss presses a button on the elevator before stepping out. When I went to follow him he held out his hand to stop me, "You have gone through enough today" he said, turning his head to look at me, a smile present on his face.

I was stunned by his smile. It was really handsome...he was really handsome.

He turned back to the monsters and the elevator doors started to close. In a panic, I lunged to the wall with all of the button commands and smashed the button to open the doors.

It took a minute to register, but when the elevator doors opened again, more than half of the hoard was on the ground.

A monster suddenly slid in front of the elevator, causing me to shriek in surprise and punch it in the face.

It fell back and groaned before being taken down by Boss's Hanbok fabric.

I peeked my head out of the elevator, quickly dodging a monster that was flying away from Boss.

In less than a second, all of the monsters were unable to move, lying on the ground. I look up at Boss in disbelief, seeing his eyes fade from a red back to their normal ghostly white.

I blink a couple of times and rub my eyes before looking back at him. Was my imagination playing tricks on me?

I look at him as he walks over to me, a small smile adorning his face. "Let's get you home."

I nodded, not knowing what else to do. On the way home, I was in a daze, thinking about all of the things that have happened and how much I'd become comfortable with the man that was carrying me.

The grey mist that was surrounding us disappeared and my living room appeared before us.

"Why are you back so late?! Are you hurt?? Is...Is that a cut!?" Eugene shouted as he ran over to me, hugging me and checking over my ghostly body.

I chuckle as I pat my older brother's head and hug him back. "There was a detour and I'm fine."

"Are...Are you sure?? Joan said something about Boss needing a flower that heals people!"

I look at Boss in question as he looks away. He was pinching the bridge of his nose as if he was stressed. "I...I only took that as a precaution..." He replied with a sigh.

Joan walked out of the guest room along with the other two ghosts "Young man, you don't come begging for those flowers as just a precaution."

Boss was caught by surprise by the other ghosts being here. He stuttered and turned his back to everyone, "It's almost sunrise the kids should get some rest before tomorrow, the rest of you, once we get back to the office I want you all to give a full report on what happened."

"Are you ignoring what's going on?!" River piped up, amused with the whole scene playing out.

"I'm heading back first." That was the last thing Boss said before the grey mist surrounded him, causing the other ghosts to quickly scatter as well.

I go to the couch, where my body is, and stare at it. "Eugene?"


"How do we get back inside our bodies? Do we just...sink back"


I poked myself on the cheek but nothing happened. I laid down in the same place, but nothing happened. I even ran full speed at myself and nothing happened.

"How did we do this before?!?!!" I yelled out in frustration. I paced around the coffee table, eyebrows furrowed as I stared down my own body.

Eugene walked into the room, Back in his own body with a confused look on his face. "Have you still not figured it out?" He asked looking around the room.

"H-How did you get back?! Hey!! Answer me!!" I shouted, blocking my brother's sight as he continued to look around the room. He ignored me, walking straight through me and to my unconscious body.

He places the palm of his hand on my body's forehead and makes a puzzled face. "I'm not sure if you can even hear me like this, but put your hand like this and will yourself back into your body... that's what worked for me at least." He trailed off, stepping away.

I look at him suspiciously before trying what he said.

I open my eyes and see Eugene staring at me. His face was really close to me.


"You have a pimple righttttt..." He pokes the side of my nose, "There..."

We stare at each other for a second before I slap his arm, "Oh shut up!" I say, my face flushing as I feel around the spot he poked, "You liar!"

He laughed and walked to the living room, "Glad you found your way back."

After a moment in silence, I address the awkward air.

"What's up with you all of a sudden...? We haven't interacted like this since we were kids..."

"Oh...I guess I'm just happy...I got to help someone today...He thanked me too..."

I watch him as he looks for something in the kitchen.

Eugene flicked my forehead and I jumped at the sudden close proximity.

"What's up with you? You've been spacing out a lot recently..."

"I space out all the time"

"Yeah, but it's like....more than usual..."


Eugene raised an eyebrow as he handed me a bag of chips.

"It's none of your business" I mumble, taking the chips and shoving some in my mouth.

"Ya! I'm your older brother! Don't be like that with me!" Eugene sat next to me on the couch, "I'm getting worried..." He said as he put a hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine..." I smile as I lightly push his hand away, "I'm just...this is all a lot to process." I force a smile as I guide his hand back to his side.

"...Alright...if you say so..." I knew he wasn't convinced, but there's no way I could tell him that I keep thinking of Boss!!!

I get up from the couch and walk to the bedroom, "I'm going to bed."

"It's almost 5, you'll only get about an hour of sleep..." Eugene says, cocking his head to the side.

"It's better than sitting around" I respond in a sing-song voice before slopping down on my bed.

I snuggle up in my blankets and drift off to sleep. Damn it, I should really watch some dramas so I can think about something else...

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now