Chapter 16: Desperation

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I silently sat on my knees, my face practically kissing the floor. I should have bolted out when I had the chance.

My shoulders and knees stung from Joan's cane, who used it to get me into this position in the first place. Begging for forgiveness.

Or, in my mind, my life.

I couldn't focus on Boss's lecture. I was too shocked at what I had accomplished and the fact that Eugene was still waiting for my "quick" return.

Boss finally paused in his talking and let out a long frustrated sigh. I took this opportunity to stand and patted my knees to rid of the nonexistent dirt.

"While I'm glad you are talking to me again, I have important business to atte- OW!!"

I was interrupted by a pain in the back of my knees as I dropped down once again. Joan started to yell at my rudeness as she wacked my shoulders with her cane. It was a bearable pain though, she made sure not to hurt me too badly.

I blocked the cane with my arms as I leaned away from the wooden object.

Boss held his hand up for Joan to stop as River gave the elder a shoulder massage and Hayden sloppily poured her a drink.

Boss grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to my feet, facing him head-on.

"What are you doing here?" He growled, a light tint of red in his eyes.

The tense stare made my nerves tingle as I looked anywhere but at his face. "I got attacked by a monster, it's not like I was trying to drop by and say hi. Well nice seeing you, if you could let your..very GENTLE grip on my arm go, I'll be on my way."

"I don't think this is the time to start acting like you and I are buddies." He stated, his grip on my arm only tightening.

"Right...sorry..."I say, defeated.

"Where do you need to go?" He asked in a lighter tone, trying to seem less intimidating.

I looked at the other ghosts in hesitation. River's jaw dropped as she stared in disbelief.

"...the flower shop Sean was at?" I slowly respond as I study River's behavior.

Before I could ask what was wrong, Boss turned my body and guided me towards the exit with a hand on the small of my back. River yelled from behind us, answering my question, "Hey! What's with the special treatment?! This is so not fair!"

Her yells turned to echoes the farther we got.

We walked for a while before I finally got the courage to speak. When I did he dropped his hand from my back.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To your 'important business' that you have to attend to." He replied, keeping pace with me as I slowed down slightly.

I reply with a quiet 'oh' before silence falls between us once again.

"When...or rather, how did you end up fighting a monster in the subway?" Boss asked out of nowhere.

"I'm guessing you want the full story..." I muttered and he nodded. "Okayyy...well, earlier today my guardian flower withered..." As I explained the events of my day Boss listened quietly. It was only after I finished telling him about what happened on the subway that he spoke.

"Guardian flowers are not supposed to wither that quickly. I will have a talk with Sean about his work before he creates a new one for you." There was a stiffness to his voice that spilled his emotions.

"I don't think that's already scare him enough as it is..." I mutter the last part, looking away from him.

"This is not a matter to discuss. You and your brother are under my watch, therefore if anything were to happen to either of you, I would be the one getting punished for it. And I don't know if you have noticed, but I can't take much more debt before I start going insane." He stated, not leaving any room to argue back.

The Underworld Office (Boss x Reader) KINDA ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now