The man who stood next to the ones in black suits stepped further to get a closer look at you.The young lady dragged her body away to the nearest wall and huddled herself. Y/n heard some other rattling noises as she moved,she noticed a chain leading up to her left ankle.In shook she starting panicking,"Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong!".The man simply chuckled,he kneeled down to you,he looked quite young for his age,brown hair,pale skin and his accent sounded British.He was wearing a simple white button up,a tie,black pants and black shoes.
"You aren't going anywhere dear",the man spoke as he took out his hand for you to shake.Y/n was hesitant but also shaked his hand. "The name's William Afton darling and you must be?",the young lady spoke,"Y/n L/n". William smiled slightly, "What a beautiful name you have dear" ,the young lady was still cautious she didn't know what can happen to her.William spoke as he noticed how worried you looked,"Now now,don't be scared Y/n,there's a reason I have you chained up and a reason why you are here".
The two man in black suits stood further back from William,but another figure can be seen from the doorframe.Y/n couldn't get a clear view who it was,but from it's silhouette it was a woman.William also turned around and stood up cheerfully, "Oh honey you are here just in time,please come in" ,William hugged her and escorted the woman inside.You couldn't see her face at all,her face was covered by a black veil,she wore a long champagne satin dress that was long sleeved,black lace gloves,a black boa hanging on her arms,black heels and a pearl necklace.Now both of them standing over
Y/n,William looked at the young lady, "Y/n this is my wife,please address her as Mrs.Afton" ,Mrs Afton took her hand out as Y/n greeted her, "Pleasure to meet you Mrs.Afton".She didn't speak,it was quite odd,William pulled a chair for Mrs Afton to sit,after she sat down William cleared his throat. "Now we can talk" ,Y/n covered herself in her blanket and waited patiently. "Y/n the reason you are here is because of our son" ,the young lady was confused, "You see Y/n,our son is at the ripe age for marriage,he hasn't had any luck in finding the right woman.Me and Mrs Afton would also like grandkids,but nonetheless,you are to fall in love with my son and marry him.Give up the life you once had and start a new chapter". Y/n was shocked, "But I have college I can't just give up on my career!" ,William sighed , "Listen Y/n I understand,that's why I chained you up regardless,you can't leave this estate until you marry my son".
Y/n was at a loss for words,William continued, "You have a year to fall in love with my son,if you manage to marry my son and give us grandkids I'll pay you loads of cash,enough for you and my son to live wherever it is you would like". Y/n was still thinking about it,she too never had any luck in finding love,she simply looked down.William sighed as he stood next to Mrs.Afton,"Well Y/n,we will leave you alone for some time,when we return we would like a straightforward answer,do I make myself clear?" . The poor young lady silently responded, "Yes sir...." ,William held his arm for Mrs.Afton to take as she stood up from her chair.Mrs. Afton took another look at Y/n,the young lady looked up to her and she simply tilted her head to the side before William escorted her out the door.Before William could exit,he cleared his throat and looked at you with a deadly stare,"Oh by the way,it's Mr.Afton,do not call me sir" , and with that he and Mrs.Afton walked out.The two guards also walked out before locking the door leaving Y/n all alone in the room.
Your POV
I can't think straight,I was once living a normal life heading to college to pursue in my career and now I'm here stuck in some man's basement.How did they even manage to find me, kidnap me and expect to fall in love with someone I don't even know.At least those guards of him covered me in my blanket,I would be shivering by now.But now I really have to think about my decision,if I can't leave this place I might as well rot in here chained up,on the contrary,if I accept his offer I can roam free.The thing is I've never been in a relationship,I've been so busy with myself that I don't have time for love.What do I do if I don't even like his son? What if he's aggressive,toxic and very controlling? It's impossible to think of the outcomes.And grandchildren? What am I? Some kind of open factory to conceive as much kids as they please? I don't even know if I like kids.I try to calm myself down,and look up at the ceiling,is this really what I want? Was this path meant for me? If I keep overthinking I can't give him a solid answer and how I want my life to continue....
I'm willing to take the risk,I don't wish to be locked up,I want to be free,I also want to know what it's like to be loved.Whatever happens I'll just deal with it and do it for the money,for now of course.I'll drop out of college,give up my studies and see the outcome of this situation.I may not be mentally prepared but I'm willing to do it.
A few hours later
Y/n had fallen asleep on the cold floor of the basement,covered up in her blanket.Before a loud knock came from the door,Y/n was woken up by the noise.William had entered the room with Mrs.Afton aside him,the young lady sat up as she rubbed her eyes to wake up.William then walked towards you,while Mrs.Afton was standing near the door,he kneeled to Y/n's level and spoke,"It's been a while now Y/n,so,are you willing to cooperate?" . William took his hand out for Y/n to shake,the young lady looked dead at William's eyes and shaked his hand to seal the deal, "Yes Mr.Afton, I'm willing to give up the life I once had and marry your son" . William smiled as he pulled Y/n for a hug ,"Welcome to the Afton Family Y/n" , Mrs.Afton clapped her hands to show her gratitude as William pulled away.Y/n then asked, "What do I need to do Mr.Afton?" , William stood up as he held a hand out for you, "Well first we need you to rest up,I'll explain things tomorrow in the morning" . Y/n held Williams hand as she stood up,he pulled a pair of keys to unlock the chain that was in your ankle.Y/n felt a huge relief to be freed from those chains,Mrs.Afton picked up the blankets from the floor and covered you,the young lady was shocked how sweet Mrs.Afton was that she even gave Y/n a hug.Soon the young lady was being walked out of the room by Mr.Afton and Mrs.Afton by her side holding her arms.
Y/n looked back at the room she was kept in before the lights turned off,she felt bad for making this decision but there's no turning back.She faced the dark hallway she was excited to as William spoke, "Now let's get you to your room I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here".
To Be Continued.......

The Stern Man (Michael Afton x Reader)
FanfictionY/n,a young lady who used to attend college,was forced to give up her dreams and meet a certain man by the name of Michael Afton.A rich young man, who's family begged for him to get married as soon as possible.Michael is very forbidding and struggle...