21. Mrs.Afton's Disclosure

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Within the next two weeks both Michael and Y/n had spent their days enjoying each other's happiness, and love by going out to dinner, dancing, having picnics and stargazing. The couple had gotten so much closer, and were very fulfilled on where their relationship stood. Today, both Mr. and Mrs.Afton return from their anniversary vacation, as Michael and Y/n stood in front of the manor's main doors. Y/n was quite excited to see them again as she spoke to Michael, "I'm very happy your parents are coming home today, I missed them". Michael smiled at Y/n as he responded, "I do too my love, I'm glad they had some time to themselves...like us". He said in a teasing tone as the young lady would laugh a bit, she would poke his waist as she responded to him, "Very funny Michael". He simply laughed a bit, as he noticed the dress Y/n was wearing.

(can be any color you desire)The young lady took notice as she spinned telling Michael, "It's the dress you gifted me my love, it looks absolutely gorgeous,thank you"

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(can be any color you desire)
The young lady took notice as she spinned telling Michael, "It's the dress you gifted me my love, it looks absolutely gorgeous,thank you". Michael would admire her as he placed his hands on her waist gently, as he kissed her cheek, "I'm glad you love it dear, it looks wonderful on you". The young lady would blush slightly as she kissed his cheek, soon the main doors would rattle. As Michael and Y/n held hands now facing the doors, waiting for them to enter. First, was William who opened the door as he looked at the couple, with such a big smile he spoke, "It's good to be home! How are the lovebirds doing?". Before he could get the chance to hug them Mrs. Afton ran inside and went to hug Y/n. The young lady felt such kindness from Mrs. Afton as she hugged back tightly, "It's great to see you again Mrs.Afton". Michael was quite jealous as he smiled at both his mother and Y/n, "Hey...that's not fair". Mrs.Afton pulled away from the hug as she held Y/n's hands as she nodded gesturing she was happy to be home as well. Mrs. Afton would then hug her son as he hugged her back with a smile. William was delighted as he went to hug Y/n, as he spoke, "How are you doing Y/n? You look absolutely stunning!

She would hug back as she responded, "I'm doing very well sir and thank you, it's good to see you and Mrs.Afton home". Soon William and Mrs.Afton stood in front of the couple as he responded, "My, thank you Y/n, I'm glad to be back home with my dearest and of course you two lovebirds". Michael would hold the young lady close as Mrs.Afton noticed Y/n's hips, she simply giggled a bit, making sound for the first time in front of everyone. Michael,Y/n and William were all shocked, as William asked his wife, "Dear? You giggled?!". Mrs.Afton remained silent once more as everyone tried to get pass what happened. Michael was also shocked as he looked at Y/n, "You made her giggle love, you are the first to make her say or do anything". William also spoke, "It's a miracle I must say". Y/n would blush as she hid her cheeks responding, "Is that bad?". Both Michael and William nodded no at the same time. After sometime, both couple would head on down to the dinner table to enjoy a feast full meal and discuss how their vacation went.

Hours Later

Mrs.Afton had pulled Y/n from her room as she directed her to her office, holding her arm. The young lady was a bit worried as to what happened earlier, but she decided to see what Mrs Afton had her do. Upon arriving the office Mrs. Afton gestures her to take a seat, Y/n would take a seat as the Mrs would sit next to her. Michael's mother didn't wear her veil as she usually does to cover her face, but instead only wore her hat. The young lady would wait patiently as the butlers closed the door to the office, Mrs.Afton would sigh, another sound coming from her again.

 As she looked at Y/n, for the first time the young lady could see Mrs Afton's face

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As she looked at Y/n, for the first time the young lady could see Mrs Afton's face. Her eyes were beautiful, her skin looked soft like porcelain, as her red lips were shaped perfectly. It even made her blush, as Mrs.Afton would smile at her, speaking for the first time, she told her, "Oh my, I've seen to have made you flustered my dear". The young lady would respond hearing her sweet and tender voice, "Quite a bit Mrs. Afton, you are so beautiful....". Mrs.Afton would hold Y/n's hands as she responded, "You may call me Clara my dear". The young lady nodded, as Clara would give her a cup of tea, the young lady would take it gently. Y/n was quite surprised, she didn't expect Mrs.Afton to speak to her. Clara would soon sip her tea as she looked at Y/n with a smile, saying, "So Y/n, I see you and Michael have had your own fun while me and my husband were gone". Clara's voice sound playfully as Y/n would blush, responding, "Oh my goodness...I'm so sorry". Clara would laugh a bit as she placed a hand on her shoulder, "My dear, don't worry it's perfectly natural, the only way I was able to tell was by looking at your hips". Y/n remembered when she giggled a bit as she gasped, responding, "That's why you giggled!". Clara would smile as she nodded, sipping on her tea cup.

Clara would speak, "You see, when you have intimacy with someone, your hips widen a bit, and I must say, it looks beautiful on you dear". Y/n would smile as she thanked Mrs Afton, Clara would nod as she placed her teacup down. Her expression grew a bit serious as she crosses her legs, she would tell Y/n, "Now dear, there is a better reason why I have you here in my office away from the guys". The young lady looked at Clara, as she continued talking, "To be honest with you Y/n, you have gained my trust, not only that but my heart as well. I have looked how well you treat my son as well as how he treats you. Seeing how loving and caring you are made me feel happy, Y/n, I don't just see you as my son's girlfriend but rather, as my daughter in law". Clara would place her hand on Y/n's shoulder, as she continues, "You have been so thoughtful, grateful, loving and very caring to me, my son and my husband. And I wanted to thank you for that personally". Clara would pull Y/n for a tight hug as the young lady would hug her back, responding, "Thank you Clara...this means so much to me, I didn't expect to have such an impact on everyone, but I'm most glad to have earned your trust". Clara would pull away from the hug as she smiled warmly at Y/n, speaking, "You're welcome my dear, but I also want to thank you for opening your heart to me even when I never have spoken to you until now, thank you Y/n". The young lady would respond, "You're welcome Miss, I'm more than happy to be a part of this family". Clara's eyes began to tear a bit as she responded, "You will always be a part of our family Y/n, you have brought us all together like never before". The young lady would hug Clara, comforting her as she responded, "Thank you...I'm happy to be here with you all". Clara would wipe her tears as Y/n let her go.

Y/n would hold Clara's hand in comfort as she calmed down. Clara would smile at Y/n, speaking to her, "I'm excited to see how you and Michael will continue your relationship, I'm happy to see you both enjoy your lives together ". Y/n would smile warmly as she responded, "I'm also very excited to see how this goes for us". Clara would then let go of her hand as she stood up, walking to her desk as she picked up a gift. It was a white box with a white satin ribbon, she sat back down as she looked at Y/n, speaking with a sincere voice, "I wanted to give you this...as a thank you gift form me and William to you my dear ". Clara would give the box to the young lady as she took it gently into her lap, "Thank you so much Clara, and please tell Mr.Afton I also thank him". Clara would smile as she responded, "Of course my dear, you may open it when you are back in your room, I think you'll love it". The young lady placed the gift next to her as she hugged Clara, "Of course...I appreciate everything you and your husband have done for me". Clara would hug Y/n back as she smiled, "It's merely the least we can do". Soon Y/n and Clara pulled away as they enjoyed their company smiling.

Y/n had gained Clara's trust within the time she was at the manor. To which Michael's mother had opened up to the young lady, being able to see her and hear her voice. Clara had always felt comfortable around Y/n, as she would hold her arm every now and then, to taking a beautiful picture near the river. In which, Clara would keep in her locket necklace, treasuring Y/n like her daughter in law.

Michael had still yet to plan a very important occasion....but for the time being he would adore his time with Y/n.

To Be Continued.......

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