11.The Lady, in Solitude

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The young lady was enraged as her eyes began to tear, she was quick to push his hand away from her chin as she managed to push Henry, causing him to fall on his back. He only laughed a bit looking at Y/n, "There's no need to be so angry now dear", the young lady responded shouting, "There is a reason why! I'm chained up like a dog! You kidnapped me and took me to some strange country!". Henry stood up from the ground, cleaning his suit as he looked at the young lady who remained on the floor. He fixed his tie responding, "I have my reasons why I have taken you here, there's no need for you to be with William's son". The young lady became curious, asking, "And why is that?", Henry's smile faded away, he became serious, walking towards the young lady with heavy steps. Y/n was scared as the man soon grabbed a hold of her, now carrying her bridal style and placing her directly on the bed. The rattling of the chains caused Y/n to tense up, she would squirm, as Henry pinned the young lady's hands onto the bed. He was merely inches away from Y/n, now hovering himself over her. He then whispered into her ear, "He doesn't deserve you because his father did something that has caused me so much damage.William himself has forgotten about it, in exchange I'll make his son suffer by taking you away from him". Henry smirked as Y/n was shocked, she was left speechless, he removed one of his hands and started trailing down to her waist. Y/n gasped, Henry whispered once more, "If you try to fight back, you won't ever see the day of light ever again. More so, Michael. Since I can't have you, no one else can". Y/n felt her heart sink, her chest felt heavy, she could only stare back with no response. Her only thought was to remain calm, she could perhaps convince him for her to return with Michael, but she was also curious what William did.

Henry smiled as he caressed her waist, "Good to know we are on good terms my dear ". He then placed a kiss on her cheek which made Y/n squirm, she was upset that all this fuss was because of something William did, and she had nothing to do with it. She did not look at Henry and instead had given herself to him, to take control. He then stood up from hovering over her, letting her sit up, he took out a pair of keys. Soon kneeling as he unlocked the lock, removing the chain from the young ladies ankle. Y/n was confused, she could only look at him, looking at every move he did. Henry only responded, "I didn't like seeing you upset earlier, I only did this at first to keep you from going anywhere". The chains can be heard hitting the ground and the young lady was free of the heavy weight. She caressed her ankle trying to relieve the pain, Henry stood up as he sat down in the bed next to Y/n, speaking, "I'm sorry Y/n, I know you don't have anything to do with it, I'll talk about it more another time. In the meantime, I'll have one of the maids take care of you". He sighed as he looked at Y/n, she was still upset, she didn't know what to feel. Henry got up from the bed and walked out of the room.

"What the hell just happened?"

Y/n felt confused and most of alone, she didn't know what to do. She got up from the bed as she walked towards one of the windows to peek outside. She was able to see the sun shining bright outside, Y/n looked at her ankle, she was able to see the chain marks left behind. It was odd that Henry let her go so easily, he too changed drastically just from that small visit. Just as she was about to head back into bed, a knock can be heard. Y/n asked, "Yes?", as the voice of a woman can be heard, "Sir Emily asked me to help you madam". Y/n went to open the door, it wasn't one maid, it was three of them, the young lady was shocked. Another maid spoke to Y/n, "We are here to take care of you Miss L/n". The third maid responded, "Yes, as a matter of fact he would like for you to join him tonight for dinner". The young lady showed no emotion but gave in and allowed the maids to come into the room.

Three Hours Later

The maids had taken care of the young lady, by massaging her ankle in pomades to help relieve the pain. Along with giving her a warm bath, she was given privacy to help cam her mind and think things through. Once she was done bathing, she wore a towel robe to step out of the bathroom. The maids had already left, leaving her room organized, the bed was well made, the chain was gone, the dress that was torn apart was no longer on the floor, and on top of the bed was a gift box. The young lady was intrigued, as she walked over to the bed, on the gift box was a note, "I hope you like it Y/n, make yourself at home" -H. Y/n wasn't still feeling well, as she placed down the note on the nightstand. She opened the box to reveal a dress, her eyes lighten up noticing how beautiful the dress is.

 She opened the box to reveal a dress, her eyes lighten up noticing how beautiful the dress is

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(This can be any color you want!)

Y/n felt a bit better wearing the dress, she also noticed other trinkets like jewelry for her to match to her liking along with a pair of heels. The maids had left a makeup box on the vanity for Y/n to do as she pleased. She decided to sit on the chair in front of the vanity, after another hour or so doing her makeup, arranging her hair to her liking and final touch ups. She was ready. Y/n stood up to take a good look at herself in the mirror, though she looked beautiful, she couldn't help but think. "I only feel better because I dressed up, this doesn't help the fact that I'm still stuck in this estate. I'm only doing this to try and escape". Y/n's eyes began to water slightly, she felt lonely and lost, she managed to get a hold of herself after taking deep breaths.Soon, a knock can be heard from the door. Y/n was startled, the voice of a butler can be heard, "Miss L/n, Sir Emily is waiting for you please step outside". The young lady took a final look in the mirror, with such gloom she whispered.

"None of it is real, I'm just dreaming".

To Be Continued.......

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