7. The Untold Man

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Y/n was scared for her life,this unknown man just appeared out of the garden without a warning. Surely the guards would have said something about this man. His piercing eyes still laying an eye on the young lady. Before Y/n would say a word, Mrs.Afton happened to step outside the garden noticing the young lady and the man standing in front of her. The man stepped back as he spoke, "Mrs.Afton, good evening ma'am! I'm sorry I arrived late to the ball, I had a situation to resolve back at the Estate". Mrs Afton simply nodded as a sign to come inside, Y/n was confused why Mrs.Afton didn't notice how close he was to her. She decided not to speak about it and also followed behind. Mr.Afton was having a couple drinks along with his son, soon noticing Mrs.Afton,Y/n and the strange man. William opened his arms to give the man a hug, "My goodness! You're here my dear friend!". Michael went to stand next to the young lady,placing a hand on her shoulder gently. Mr.Afton said, "I'd like to introduce you to our new member of the Afton Family, Miss Y/n L/n", the man took a hand out for the young lady to shake, she greeted him. "Pleased to meet you Miss L/n, I'm Henry Emily", Y/n responded, "Nice to meet you sir".

Y/n's POV

I still feel odd being around this man, I hate the fact he approached me like I was his prey. Why didn't Mrs.Afton question him when he arrived behind the Estate rather the front gates. I assume they are all good friends, maybe that's why she didn't say anything. I want to tell Michael what happened, but I simply can't bring myself to say anything, he too looks happy to be talking to Henry. I'll wait another time to explain how uncomfortable the interference was.

Normal POV

Henry Emily was around the same age as William,he had dirty blonde longish hair, he also had a full beard, be stood around 6'5, brown eyes and he wore glasses. His outfit consisted of a khaki suit with a red tie. William had offered Henry a couple of drinks to get him going, Mrs.Afton went back with the aunts as Michael decided to take Y/n back outside the garden. He held her hand as he walked, opening the door once more for Y/n. They both found a small white bench and sat down, the young lady was still uncomfortable, she was thinking about it. Michael noticed her silence and asked, "Is everything alright my love? Is something bothering you?". Y/n reassured Michael, "Oh! I'm alright don't worry dear", he let out a sigh of relief, he responded, "I was worried,don't be afraid to tell me if something is wrong Y/n, I'll gladly listen and come up with a solution". The young lady smiled, "Thank you Michael, I really appreciate it".

The moon was shining brightly, the couple remained outside enjoying each other's company. Michael had scooted a bit closer to Y/n, placing a hand over her, at the touch of her shoulder he could feel her shivery. "My dear if you are cold please let me know so I can wrap you up", the yound lady responded, "I'm sorry Michael I just don't want to be a bother". He removed his coat and wrapped it around Y/n, pulling her in for a cuddle. "There,much better, I have to make sure you are in good hands" ,Y/n smiled. Michael had locked eyes with her, placing his other hand to cup her cheek. The young lady blushed slightly, their lips close to the touch, soon Michael gently kissed her. The air felt hot and heavy, she could feel her stomach turn into knots, it turned into a small make out section. Michael pulled away quickly noticing how fast he was taking things, he looked at the young lady worried, "I'm so sorry,please forgive me I didn't mean to-" ,he was cut off by Y/n, "Michael it's alright, I'll let you know when I get uncomfortable". Michael smiled, just before he could give Y/n a kiss on her cheek, the couple were interrupted by Mr.Afton. He came out running shouting, "Hey love birds! Come back inside!" . Michael sighed, as the young lady laughed a bit.

Inside The Estate

Everyone was still partying, drinks involved and goofing around. Mr.Afton was having a great time with Henry as his wife would occasionally dance with relatives. Y/n adored the energy in the Estate, everyone was happy. Though the party continued she felt sleepy, she let out a yawn, Michael noticed Y/n. "Looks like someone's sleepy, come on, let's get you prepared for the night my dear". The young lady responded, "Thank you Michael let me just say goodnight to everyone and I'll get going". Once Y/n had said goodnight to Mr and Mrs.Afton along with the family/relatives, Michael went to take her to her room. He knew it was way too early in their relationship for her to be sleeping with him, he wanted to make sure she had plenty of space to herself. Once on the stairs, he helped Y/n with her dress so she wouldn't slip. Upon arriving at her room, Y/n had thanked Michael for keeping her conpany, "Thank you Michael, I truly wanted to let you know that tonight was the best night of my life,I'm glad I meet your family and most of all spend time with you". Michael blushed slightly,taking one of her hands and gently placing a kiss on them. Responding, "Oh it's nothing, I'm just glad you had enjoyed the night my love".Michael had placed a kiss on her head, "Sleep well my love, be sure to get comfortable I'll see you tomorrow morning dear". Y/n also gave Michael a kiss on the cheek, "Goodnight handsome rest well my love". Michael's eyes widened as he blushed, "G-goodnight!". The young lady then entered her room and gently closed her door as Michael walked back to the event all giddy, smiling at Y/n's comment.

The young lady had removed her dress,changing into some comfortable pajamas, she removed her makeup, getting all cleaned up and set for bed. Once she was set, she looked outside the windows looking up at the moon. "How beautiful the night is,this will be a memorable day for me to remember", closing the curtains gently,soon getting tucked in for bed. Turning off the light and huddled up in the blankets.

The man who once was unknown to Y/n, was wary of who she was. The Afton's new family member, not just that but Michael's future wife. Henry knew it wouldn't be the case if he got to her first, all in return for vengeance for a simple mistake made by his dear friend, William.

"This is what you get for messing with the wrong Family. I'll take something you adore just like you took my beloved Charlie. I'll never forgive you for this ".

To Be Continued........

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