13. Disoriented

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Henry's POV

Seeing the poor young lady lay on the cold floor after my actions, her eyes tearing so much, as she winced from the pain I'd caused. I could only do so, knowing what her intentions were, trying to act flirty and seduced me as we danced was uncalled for. Regardless, I wasn't gonna let her go so soon, oh no, this is only the beginning. She cried out to me, "Why?! Why did you do this to me?!". I could only look at her with no emotion as I hovered above her pretty figure. My hand caressed her cheek, as I responded, "You aren't going anywhere Y/n, I know what you intended to do". She looked at me shocked, as she continued crying, I stood up from the floor, letting her endure the pain. I simply needed her to be in her most weak state, just so she could remain in her room. It wasn't long before her eyes began to close, her heavy breathing became slow as her hands and her dress were now stained in her own blood. I called my butlers who were hiding behind the curtains of the ballroom to carry her body to her room, as the doctor was already prepared to get her checked. It's easy to plan all of this when you have connections.

As the butlers carried her fragile body, I simply followed behind them, this wasn't how things were supposed to end but it's for the better I assumed. As we reached the third story of the estate, I told the butlers, "Make sure she stays in that room, keep a good eye on her and lock all the windows and doors".

 As we reached the third story of the estate, I told the butlers, "Make sure she stays in that room, keep a good eye on her and lock all the windows and doors"

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They both nodded as I went my separate way into my office, I inhaled as I smiled. Looking out from one of the windows, noticing how bright the moon was tonight. I went ahead and served myself a nice glass of whiskey, indulging in the liquor as I laughed. "Let's see how Michael reacts to the news of his poor Y/n almost being killed". Without hesitation I sat down in my chair, as I began to write a letter with ink, using the help of a small lit candle to make sure I wouldn't mess up any words.

In The Afton Estate

Michael has been so worried about Y/n the day she went missing, he hadn't slept for a couple of days as he demanded the guards to keep looking in the forest for her. Both William and Mrs.Afton were also worried for Y/n and her whereabouts, Mrs. Afton would try to keep her son calm as she tried her best not to imagine what could have happened to her. Michael's eyes were puffy, and red, he had been crying since that day, he couldn't wrap around his head why this had to happen. Maybe if he went with her, none of this could have happened, maybe if Mrs.Afton went along with her she would have come back safely, but they let their guard down. William also blamed himself for not keeping an eye out for her, he sat next to Michael as he spoke to him, "Son, I'm very sorry, I truly am I wish I kept an eye out for her". Michael sniffles as he replies back to his father, "Oh father, please don't blame yourself for this it is I who should have gone with her to the river. I know she is still out there, we have to go and find her! I can't just sit here knowing she is somewhere lost!". Mrs.Afton pulled Michael in for a hug to keep him calm as for William, who hugged their son. William responded, "Please calm down Michael! She is still alive I know she is! But please son, it is only a matter of time when something pops up about her".

After Sometime

Michael had gone under so much sadness that he locked himself in his own room, his parents didn't know how long this could take and let him have his own space while still checking up on him here and there. He laid in bed locking at the pictures he took of Y/n the day of the picnic. He placed his fingers on her, crying with such sorrow, he said, "Oh Y/n, I miss you so much, please appear, I know you are still out there my love. I can't stand being here without you, I love you so much, I swear I'll take my revenge on whoever it is who took you away from me. I'm supposed to take good care of you and I'll continue to do so when I see you once more Y/n". Michael continued crying as he placed a kiss on her picture, not letting it go as he looked up at the night sky. The moon was shining bright, he began to pray for Y/n's safety, he would hold her picture throughout the whole night. Not letting it go once, he begged to see her safe and not harmed. Both William and Mrs.Afton listened quietly outside his room, Mrs.Afton began to cry quietly, she had undergone so much distress, as well as William who pulled his wife in for a hug whispering to her. "It's alright my dear, we'll find her soon, please be patient my love". The Afton's were in such agony, they could feel that the estate was lonely, it was missing their ray of sunshine, Y/n, who brought them comfort,love and care.

A Couple of Days Later

One of the Afton's maids came running towards William's office, in which Mrs, Afton was also there, sitting in a small table trying to drink her tea. The maid had shouted at them as she ran into the office, "Mr. and Mrs.Afton there's an important letter for you!". Both of the Afton's looked at each other confused knowing they were not expecting anything from anyone. Michael had heard the whole commotion from his room, as he came in worried, asking his father, "What's going on?". Mrs Afton stood up from her chair as she stood next to Mr. Afton, the maid soon handed the letter to William. Michael waited patiently as his father read the letter, William opened the letter with a small knife as he took the note out. After a couple of minutes, Mr Afton's eyes had widened in pure horror. As Mrs. Afton placed a hand on her mouth gasping quietly as she turned to the Michael. Their son was waiting for one of the other to speak but instead William gave the letter to his son, as he spoke, "I can't bring myself to tell you Michael...h-here". His eyes began to tear up, as he passed the letter to Michael. He got a hold of the letter as he began to read:

Dear Afton's,

This letter is to regard you with your precious daughter in law, my, how do I go on to explain this. You see, I stumbled upon a beautiful young lady like her somewhere before. And I couldn't bare myself to see her with someone as your son, Michael. So I took matters into my own hands and have her here with me. Where? You may be asking, well I can't fully tell you were. What I can tell you is that I'm keeping her hostage, she isn't leaving. Your precious little daughter in law tried to escape the other night, as punishment I kept her in a room, locked away from you all. Let's just say that night, she could have been an angel, but I felt pity seeing her go in such a horrid way. So, if you wish to see Y/n, you have to come up to ••••_••••°•••••_•••••°. But, bring me all your fortune. Or else she will be kept here with me forever or better yet, be killed. Since I can't have her, no one will. Michael, I know you are reading this, so make a wise decision or your precious Y/n will suffer the consequences.

~ Sincerely, H.E

Michael was furious, he recognized those initials, as he whispered, "I should have known.... Henry Emily kidnapped Y/n!". Both Mr. and Mrs.Afton were shocked, they were speechless as Michael continued shouting. "He's the one who doing all this fucking mess! He's the one who laid his hands on her and tried to kill her! We have to go and save her!". William stood up from his chair as he spoke, "What the hell is his problem! We have to get Y/n before he does anymore harm to her!". Michael began to breathe heavy, having so much anger built up on him, he said, "I can't let him near her any second more, pack your bags". Both of his parents nodded in agreement as they went of into their rooms to start packing. Michael had stormed off while holding the letter, in pure rage he whispered, "I have to kill Henry, he laid his hands up on Y/n, a naive young lady, and tried to kill her. He took advantage of her, and I can't let him go on freely. He's gonna pay for what he did to my wife". Michael's eyes widened, hearing his comment on Y/n, he took a deep breath, as he opened the door to his room. "All of this shit going on is making me lose my mind, oh God , Y/n, my wife? I really need to calm down".

Y/n laid in bed, as she turned her head side to side, whispering, "Michael....". Her body in such a weak state that she couldn't wake herself up.

"Please help me....."

To Be Continued......

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