Y/n,a young lady who used to attend college,was forced to give up her dreams and meet a certain man by the name of Michael Afton.A rich young man, who's family begged for him to get married as soon as possible.Michael is very forbidding and struggle...
The sound of Henry's body has collapsed into the floor, William had shot a bullet straight into his head without hesitation. Michael was quite shocked that his father had done it so eagerly, as for Mrs.Afton, she wasn't too worried about it. She was rather worried for Y/n. William then faced his family , looking at Michael with such sadness as he noticed Y/n between him and his wife. He immediately noticed the sheer amount of blood loss from her wound, he ran towards them. He kneeled down as he carried Y/n carefully bridal style. Michael seemed a bit confused, as he asked his father, "Father what do we do now?". William assured Michael, "Son, we have to get out of here, Y/n is losing a lot of blood, we need to get to the jet as fast as we can without getting caught by Henry's butlers". Mrs. Afton stood up as she held on to her son's arm, Michael was worried for Y/n, he couldn't stop looking at her fragile state.
William then sighed, as he spoke to Michael, "I understand you are worried son, we all are worried for her. But we need to escape that way we can head home and attend to her quickly". Michael nodded, as he waited for his father's plan of escape. William then took a peak outside of the room while still carrying Y/n. No butlers were on either or side of the hallway. That's when William whispered to Mrs.Afton and Michael, " Son, can you carry your mother by any chance?". Michael would reply back, "Yes father why?". William would respond, "Carry her on your back, it will be much easier for us to run back to jet". His son simply nodded in agreement as he adjusted himself for his mother to be carried. Once everyone was situated, they made a run for it.
Both William and Michael ran down the multiple hallways without getting caught, considering how heavy their footsteps were. But it wasn't until one of the maids screamed at the sight of seeing Henry's dead body laying on the cold floor. The alarms would sound off in the entire estate. Both William and Michael knew they had to move fast, if they got caught who knows what could happen to them. Finally, they reached the last hallway leading towards the exit door. William felt a huge relief knowing they were gonna make it. Unfortunately, two of the butlers stood in front of the exit door, William and Michael kept running in hopes they would move. Luckily, Mrs. Afton pulled out a small handgun from her dress pocket. Aiming at both butlers and killing them with a single bullet each, at first, Michael was quite shocked his mother had a gun on her. William simply laughed as he commented on his wife's skill, "Good job honey!".Once they reached the exit door, Michael opened the door for his father, then he would go behind him.
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The jet wasn't far from the estate, the pilots noticed that the Afton's were running being able to get Y/n back, as they started warming up the jet. The flight attendants stood outside of the stairs waiting for the Afton's. William made it first to the jet and then Michael along with his wife. To which Michael put himself down so his mother could go inside the jet first. Then, Michael went inside, before William could enter with Y/n, he noticed multiple trucks heading towards the jet. He panicked as he ran up the stairs telling the flight attendants, "Get inside quick! Tell the pilots to get it movin'!". Everyones now inside the jet, William placed Y/n down on a small bed, as he told one of the flight attendants, "Get the doctor please". She bowed as she went behind a set of curtains, Michael was even more confused as he asked his father, "You got a doctor in the jet?". William responded to his son, "Oh yes, it was good I told him to come with us, I didn't want to tell you because wasn't sure how bad the situation was Michael".
The doctor then came out from the curtains greeting everyone. The pilots made an announcement, "Buckle up everyone this is gonna be a rough one". The jets engine were roaring loudly, Michael looked outside the windows as he noticed the trucks were getting much closer, he shouted, "Father tell them to hurry!". William looked outside the windows as he commanded the pilots, "Anytime now!". The pilots responded to William, "Engines are good to go sir let's roll!". Soon the jet was moving, setting it's coordinates back to the Afton's estate. The pilots managed to start the jet to the proper speed in order for lift off. And just like that, the Afton's had successfully managed to save Y/n from Henry. William, Michael and Mrs.Afton were very happy to have her with them once more. As the pilots were situating the jet for takeoff, the doctor had started to look at Y/n's wound. Michael sat next to the doctor as he inspected, the doctor had to cut her dress only to were the area of the wound was located.
The doctor spoke to Michael, "She will need some blood transfusion, a proper stitch and plenty of rest my son". Michael responded to the doctor, "Will she make it doctor?". The doctor looked at Michael as he reassured him, "Don't worry Michael, she will, but she needs a good rest in order to recover properly". Michael sighed with relief as he held Y/n's hand placing a kiss on the back, then caressing her cheek, he whispered to her, "I knew you'd make it Y/n, don't worry, I'll take good care of you". Both William and Mrs.Afton held onto each other as they were relieved to hear that Y/n would make it, William said to his wife, "I'm glad she is with us once more my dear, our daughter in law is back home, safely". As the jet ride home went on, the doctor was able to make the blood transfusion within 2 hours. He took another 45 minutes to stich the wound, and place some anesthetics to relieve a bit of the pain. During the whole flight, Michael never let go of the young ladies hand, he remained next to her side. Caressing her hair gently, every now and then placing a kiss on her forehead. Mrs.Afton would also place a blanket on her, so she would remain warm. William would simply smile as the family was together once more.
Michael would rest his head on hers, as he whispered her, "We are almost home my love, I promise I won't ever leave you alone anymore. You'll remain safe with me". His eyes began to tear slightly, as he continues to whisper to her, "I wish to see you smile once more, to see you laugh, your own presence makes me the happiest man alive. I promise to look after you, and love you more than ever, not just as my lover, but as my future wife". William and Mrs.Afton couldn't believe what they heard from their son, as they looked each other in pure shook. They tried not to cheer but would rather hug each other in pure joy, especially William who tried not to shout.
Michael placed a kiss on her cheek, as he wiped his tears with a big smile on his face. He turned to see his parents, but adjusted themselves back to normal, before their son would ask them what was going on. Michael simply smiled at them as he looked back at Y/n with such a loving soft gaze.
"Yes, one day I would love to propose to you Y/n. To see you as my wife, my loving angel. The woman who will make me feel safe, loved and trusted. To which I will treat you with much the utmost respect, love,care and keep you safe. Whom I will adore until death will do us apart"