4.An Evening with Michael

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After a while walking in the garden with Michael,talking about his life story and in between would ask you questions in order to get to know you.He had stopped at his tracks,looked at you and told you, "I almost forgot,I can't have you looking at the surprise I have for you" .He pulled out a handkerchief and wrapped it around your eyes to cover them up.The young lady was both worried but curious as to what Michael had planned out.Although she couldn't tell Michael was smiling,just by the sound of his voice he was very happy. "Here hold my hand,I'll lead the way and make sure you don't fall or hurt yourself" .And with that,Y/n's hand met with Michael's,he had very soft and gentle hands,soon the young couple would walk off to who knows where.

After Sometime

Michael had stopped walking and let go of your hand,you could feel his presence behind you as he began to untie the handkerchief.

Michael had stopped walking and let go of your hand,you could feel his presence behind you as he began to untie the handkerchief

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Y/n was surprised as she smiled,noticing the lovely picnic Michael had set for her.The young lady looked at Michael and told him,"Oh my thank you so much Michael,you didn't have to do this really" .Michael simply smiled as he walked closer to Y/n,"Oh it's no trouble at all Y/n I'm just glad you like it". Michael then helped the young lady to kneel down to her spot,as he too kneeled next to her.He took out a bottle of wine and two glass cups from the picnic basket.He would pour a bit on both cups then handing one to Y/n,now both of them were facing each other.Michael has cleared his throat,"Let's cheer to this new relationship and hopefully things turn out well for us Y/n" ,the young lady smiled slightly with a bit of worry but nonetheless responded,"Cheers to our new journey". They would clink their cups as they each took a sip form the wine.

Once placing down the cups,Michael had placed a plate infront of the young lady and silverware.Michael and made your favorite dish (f/d),you were very happy and excited to eat.Michael had noticed your excitement and asked,"This must be your favorite food right?" ,the young lady responded, "Oh definitely,thank you so much Michael". He giggled a bit ,"Well let's dig in".After having dinner,Michael had put away the dirty dishes into the basket and soon pulled out a charcuterie board full of cheese,fruits and nuts.Y/n was shocked,she didn't expect for Michael to be wary of how much detail he showed to her.He was very aware that ladies enjoy each and every detail a man does,so,he did the minimum of showing Y/n that he cares every bit.

A Couple of Hours Later

Y/n and Michael we're having a great time chatting and drinking wine.Every now and then he would feed you grapes and sorts of expensive cheese from who knows where.He was very respectful,he made sure to keep his distance well from you and not make rude compliments nor bring up certain topics you wouldn't endure.What felt like minutes was hours of just trying to get to know Michael,the young lady was enjoying every moment of it.For a brief moment he was silent,Y/n had began to worry and ask the young man,"Is everything alright Michael?" .Michael had looked into her e/c eyes,smiled and placed one hand to cup her cheek whilst replying,"I know this may sound weird,but,I'm happy being here with you, although it is the first time we've meet". The young lady was flustered,"Why thank you Michael,I'm glad you feel comfortable around me,I too am grateful to meet someone like you". He didn't look away from her,his face was getting closer to the young lady,Michael smiled as he asked,"May I?". Y/n wasn't bothered rather surprised how fast things were taking a turn,she simply responded,"Of course you can Michael". He had cupped her face into his hands as he gently placed his lips against hers,giving her a delicate kiss.The young lady felt warm,her heart was pounding rapidly,her mind went foggy as she wrapped her hands behind Michael's neck.After a bit both of them let go,to take a breather,Michael and the young lady giggled slightly to get rid of the awkward silence.Michael then told the Y/n,"Why it's our very first kiss for the both us huh?",as he hold both of her hands.Y/n had blushed slightly,"Why I believe it is",he then placed multiple kisses on the knuckles her hand,a sign of admiration,and how much he truly feels for her.He looked at her with such a love,"I'll be sure to take good care of you and be here for you
Y/n" .Y/n could tell Michael was a soft soul,he was genuine and has a heart of gold.The young couple would spend the rest of the evening cuddled up looking at the stars.

Back At The Estate

Mrs. Afton was sitting in the living room,drinking a nice cup of tea as Mr.Afton was walking up and down desperately talking to her."I really do pray she sticks with the deal,our boy is a very great man". William would occasionally look outside of the window to see if he would notice Y/n and Michael.He would place his hands on his waist and cheer,"My! I believe this has worked wonderfully my dear!". He smiled as he walked back to Mrs.Afton and place gentle kisses on her hand."My we have to celebrate my dear,our boy has a bright future ahead with Miss L/n!", Mrs.Afton would only nod in agreement.He would ponder and think of what a way to plan something so grand,"Now,the issue is what exactly to do,the newly couple should be shown off,the people have to know how well their relationship is doing but how?".Mrs.Afton would take another sip of her tea as William had shouted,"I know! We must host a ball my dear! That's it!".He had ran to his wife and gave her a big hug,"We will have a ball in the Estate and let everyone know! This will be fantastic my love".

To Be Continued.....

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